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I stare at the picture of a man’s hand with a high school ring on his pinky.

What grown ass man still wears a high school ring?

“The ring has no value other than sentimentality to this man. The rules are simple. You can’t take it by force or kill anyone in the process. You have to steal it in a way where he doesn’t realize you were the one to steal it. If you get caught taking it, you lose automatically. The winner is the first person to steal it without being caught and without breaking the rules.”

Steal, don’t get caught, don’t kill anyone.

I exhale a long breath. It’s like this game was designed for me. I’ve spent my entire life stealing to survive. I’m a very good pickpocket. I’ve never been caught taking an item from someone. I’ve stolen watches, wallets, purses, jewelry; the list goes on. This will be the easiest task I’ve ever had.

I stare across at Enzo—my opponent. He’s grown up in a life filled with criminals. But as far as I know, Enzo doesn’t have any experience with thievery. He’s never had to. He has limitless money, and men with fancy weapons to take whatever he wants.

I might actually have an advantage to this game. Thank you, Dad. He does love me. He did try to prepare me; he just never told me the truth.

I sigh in relief.

“One more thing,” Archard says.

I freeze. I don’t like the tone in which he said it.

“Enzo has already broken the rules by parading around as Black for years now, when it’s clear he knew Kai was still alive.”

Enzo’s lips tighten.

“So you will have to face a penalty for that. I’ve thought long and hard about the appropriate penalty, and I've come up with a solution. Kai will have to agree to the terms, since your fathers never came up with a plan for such a situation.

“Enzo and any men he uses to complete this task will not be allowed to use weapons. No guns, no knives, nothing. You can carry nothing. You can not steal a weapon. If you get caught holding a weapon, you automatically lose this round.” Archard looks to me for a response.

But I’m staring at Enzo. I’ve never known the man not to carry a gun. This would be a lot to ask of him, to not carry a weapon. Fo

r no other reason than he wouldn’t want to put Zeke or Langston or any of his other men at risk.

But I won’t be completing this task with a gun, so they might as well not either. It can’t be that dangerous. We are just stealing a high school ring from some guy. It can’t be that hard.

“I agree to the penalty,” I say.

Enzo’s vein in his head pops with frustration, but he just nods at Archard.

“Do you two have any questions about the rules or tasks?”

“Who is Milo Wallace?” I ask.

Archard shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but you will have to find out any information about this man yourselves. It’s part of the task.”

I stare across at Enzo who is tight-lipped. I’m sure he’s heard of this man, if not Zeke or Langston will find out everything about him in a matter of minutes. That is where I will have a disadvantage. I have no access to men, computers, security. I don’t have any money, nor a car, a cell phone, nothing.

Enzo will be able to get to Milo in a matter of minutes with ease. Giving him plenty of time to steal the ring before I even find out the man’s address.

But once I find this man, I can steal it with ease.

“Any other questions?” Archard asks.

I shake my head. Enzo continues to sit silently.

“Good, then I’ll be needing your weapons, Enzo,” Archard says.

Enzo stares at me like he’s going to kill me for this as he unloads his gun and knife. Langston does the same. Zeke hesitates for a minute. Maybe he’s not carrying a gun because he’s headed back to his bed after this.

“Zeke?” Archard asks.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark