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Could Enzo be hurt? It’s the only thing I can think of that would cause Langston to leave.

My eyes water again thinking of Enzo hurt like Zeke. I can’t imagine it. He’s too strong to be injured. Too much of a king to lay lifeless on the ground with blood seeping from his body. But he’s human. It could happen.

And I shouldn’t care. I should dance on Enzo’s grave the second he dies.

But I wouldn’t.

I don’t understand why, but I care about Enzo. I twirl the ring on my finger.

Don’t you dare be hurt Enzo. Don’t make me a fake widower.

I continue to hold Zeke’s hand through the night and next day. The doctor returns to check on him and smiles when he sees me.

“You love him?” he asks.

I shake my head as I stare at Zeke. “Not like that.” I’m not capable of love. And I’m afraid the only man I could possibly even love is the man who also sold me. How fucked up is that? He’s the only man I can touch without feeling pain. He’s the only one capable of stealing my heart.

“How is he doing?” I ask.

“Good. His vitals are strong. He’s a fighter. I’ll have the nurse lower his meds so he can wake up soon. I can’t say with certainty, but I can say confidently he will live.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

The doctor leaves, and the nurse gives him a new medication to help him start waking up.

Zeke’s eyes open and this time the pain has softened.

“Thank you,” he says.

“No, don’t thank me. I’m the reason you are in this mess. I’m so sorry for letting you get hurt. But you don’t need to talk—just rest. Langston and Enzo will be back as soon as they can. They are ensuring you get revenge.”

The nurse comes over, helps him drink, and makes sure he’s comfortable before leaving us by ourselves.

He stares at my hand. “Have you been holding my hand all night?”

“Yes, as I promised earlier.”

He studies me closely. “Even though it brings you great pain to touch me?”

“Yes, I deserve the pain. And I wanted to comfort you.”

He grips my hand tighter to see how badly it affects me and a tear rolls down. He softens his grip immediately but doesn’t let go.

“Thank you,” he says again.

This time I don’t argue.

“I’m so sorry, Zeke. I will never let it happen again. Enzo will make all the decisions when it comes to Surrender and the men. And I will do whatever I can to make it up to you.”

Zeke shakes his head. “It’s not your fault.”

“It is.”

“No, it’s not.”

I frown.

“I’m glad Enzo wasn’t there. More than likely I wouldn’t be lying in this bed if he were, he’s strong, fearless, and smarter than any of our enemies, but I don’t mind taking a bullet or two for Enzo. God knows, he’s taken too many bullets for me.”

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark