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So predictable.

I do.

And then two men grab my arms, forcing them behind my back as they start walking me brutally forward.

They don’t even bother tying my wrists together. They think two large men holding me with dozens of guns aimed at me is enough—they have no idea.

I’m walked down into the depths of the yacht—to their leader, Billy.

It’s exactly what I want. I will kill these men for who they work for. But Billy is who I want. He’s the one who tortured Zeke. He’s the one who ordered Zeke to die because I wasn’t there to torture instead.

Billy isn’t the leader, but he is the leader of this ship. Similar in rank to Zeke. It’s only fair that I repay him with the same scars he caused Zeke—the same pain. But unlike Zeke, he won’t be surviving the night.

The door opens, and I’m shoved inside with the two men still twisting my arms behind my back roughly, like that is going to force me to do what they say. I can still feel the metal of their guns pointed on me from behind, but I don’t give a shit about any of them.

I care about the man standing in front of me—Billy.

“I didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to set foot on my ship, Black. Not after what I did to your man,” Billy says not bothering to rise from his seat.

I smile smugly. This will be too easy.

“I just thought I’d repay you for your hospitality the last time you hosted one of my men.”

His eyes darken. “It will be I who shows you the same hospitality I showed your man.”

I growl roughly. “I’m giving you one chance, Billy. Save your men. Surrender to me now, and I’ll let them live. I’ll even give them a chance to change their loyalty and work for me. If not, they will all die.”

“It will be you who dies after you tell us what we want to know.”

“And what is that?”

“We want what everyone wants. We want the power of Black. We want to be granted the title. We know the title is earned, not born into. When we kill you, we will earn it.”

I laugh. “You want to know if killing me is enough to grant you the title? You don’t know the ways of my organization. There is only one way you become Black, and that isn’t it. You can kill me, but it won’t solve your problem. Black will just be reborn again, with a leader just as ruthless as I am.” If I die, Kai becomes the leader. And that scares the shit out of me.

“Then we want to know how to destroy you. We want the codes to your bank accounts. We want a list of your allies. We want the blueprints to your security systems.”

“You can’t destroy Black. Even if you were to torture and kill me, you would be no better off than you are now. In fact, you’d be worse off if you killed me, because the new Black would be pissed. He’d take over, and his first task would be to hunt you down and kill you, slowly. You’re lucky I’m here.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I intend to kill you quickly. Zeke’s alive, and I want to go back and tell him the good news that I’ve killed you.”

That’s when I make my move. I jerk my arms, not caring if they pull my arms out of their sockets. The sudden twist of my arms brings the men on either side of me to my knees because they refuse to let me go. Refusing to let me go will be their deaths.

I dive behind one, as the bullets start raining, killing the first man. Then I grab the other and slit his throat with the knife they never took from my pocket.

Like I would board a hostile enemy’s yacht with only one weapon—idiots.

I take his gun and start shooting. The men start retreating down the hallway. I slam the door I know is bulletproof and invincible to attack. I built this yacht after all. I know the security. I know Billy would keep the most secure room for himself.

And now he’s trapped. His men can’t get in, but they will hear his screams and know they are next. Some might even go overboard and swim for shore rather than let me kill them.

Billy’s eyes go wide in fear. He may be the leader. He may be used to torturing and killing people, but he doesn’t usually get involved in a fight until the enemy has been weakened.

He’s used to hurting men who are already injured and weak. Men who are tied up, making them easy to torture.

I wipe the blood from my knife on my jeans. I want a fresh knife when I cut and dice him like he did Zeke.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark