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A collective gasp shakes the hallway as every man realizes what it means. One by one they turn their gaze to my hand, searching for the ring I wear.

I purse my lips and stand as proud as possible when they take in my scars trying to determine what they mea


“I’ve lived with the devil before I defeated him. And I’ll do the same to any man who crosses me or my husband,” I say, knowing I can’t show fear or weakness in front of these men. Even though I’m only one woman and they are many. They could hurt me before Enzo ever came to protect me. I have to show my own strength.

I turn to Zeke. “No, Zeke. I won’t be needing my car. See that these men return to work.”

Zeke eyes me curiously, knowing my claim of Black is a farce. But as Enzo said, Zeke will play along here. Enzo trusts him, so I have no choice but to do the same.

I walk, leaving the men behind to no doubt stare at my ass.

I reach the door that Enzo and I entered the club through. I open the door and let the brightness blind me. I usually seek the dark, but for now, I need the light—something to burn the ickiness from my meeting with Dallas.

“You shouldn’t be out here.”

The voice sends blood boiling shivers through my body.


I turn and see my father smoking a cigarette while leaning against the brick wall.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

He drops the cigarette, putting it out.

“I should ask you the same question.”

“You don’t get to ask me anything. Not after you’ve hidden everything from me for my entire life!”

His eyes turn cool. It’s where I get my own iciness from—my father.

And suddenly I want to be nothing like him. Because I can’t imagine lying to any child of mine for their entire life.

“You don’t understand anything, Katherine.”

“Then explain to me!”

He shakes his head. “You aren’t ready for the truth. You never will be.”

“Fucking coward!”

He doesn’t flinch as he walks to the door leading into Surrender.

“Wait, you work at Surrender?”

My father doesn’t answer, but it’s clear from his non-answer that he does.

“You work here. Your whole life is here, yet you never prepared me once for the life I was fated to live in. Enzo’s father prepared him his entire life for this life. He prepared him to win. I have no chance. I have nothing because of you!”

My anger overtakes me, and I charge.

“You were supposed to protect me, and you didn’t!” I scream as I throw my arm back to punch him.

His hand grabs my fist, stopping me from making contact.

Shooting pain rips through my palm, down my forearm, and into my chest.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark