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I stare at the watch, reminding me too much of the owner I only just met.

I know the exact amount I need. I also know how much I need to feed myself and my father for a month. The amount to give us some breathing room. To pay for our rent.

But this watch is only about one thing—getting one more day of freedom from my father’s debts.

I won’t be selfish. I won’t take more than I deserve.

“Eight thousand,” I counter.

Jim smiles. “That’s an awfully high price for a watch, Miss Miller.”

I glare back at him. “I know its worth, Mr. Wilson. I know it is easily worth more than ten thousand, and it is in pristine condition. I know you will easily sell it for more than ten grand because you are a good salesman. You could sell a fake for that much easily. You’ll sell the real deal for more.”

He chuckles. “I am a good salesman, but that doesn’t mean I’ll pay you eight grand.”

I reach out like I’m going to take the watch back. “No, you would give me ten if I pushed the subject because it’s a good investment for you that you can easily make a couple grand off of and because you know if you treat me well, I will bring you more quality items to sell in the future.”

I grab the watch. It feels good to have it in my hand even though I know the cost of keeping the watch for myself. But I can’t stop myself from wanting the watch. From wanting him. I slide the watch across the counter toward me before Jim grabs my wrist stopping me.

“Seven-five, final offer.”

I smile. I need seven thousand three hundred to pay off the debt. Two hundred extra. But I won’t spend it on food, clothes, or shelter. It will be the first step to paying off my new debt.


Jim nods and then looks down at my hand still gripping the watch while he still holds my wrist. He releases me and waits for me to turn the watch over.

Instead of letting it go, I hold the watch tighter. I’m not ready to let it go. I’m not ready to let Enzo go. Not that either was ever mine in the first place. But there was something about Enzo that taunted me with a future I have always wanted. Money, protection, and adventure.

Something my current life lacks. My life is destined to become the same over and over. I have no future—nothing beyond working my ass off to repay debts. No man would ever want to take me on, not when they realize the money they would owe just to ensure we would be free.

“Miss Miller?”

I cling to the watch for a single second, reminding me of the promise in Enzo’s eyes. He wanted me. Somehow I know a single night with Enzo would have been more adventure than I ever dreamed my boring life could have.

“Miss Miller?”

I turn and meet Jim’s gaze.

He holds out his hand, and I raise mine over his. The watch doesn’t fall out of my hand willingly. It glides reluctantly through my grasp like I’m letting my future slip away—a future I can never have.

Jim takes the watch, and my eyes burn with regret as I watch him place the watch in a small black box. Its gleam disappears beneath the lid as he closes it away from me. He then turns to the cash register.

“Cash or check?”

I swallow hard as my mind returns to my reality of what I need to do.


He nods, already knowing what my answer will be. He pulls out the cash and counts it into my hand.

“Stay safe, Miss Miller. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to one of my best customers.”

The wad of cash is large, too bulky to conceal in anything but a purse or bag I don’t have. And I won’t spend a dime on any of the purses lining the rack at the front of the pawn shop, even if I should to ensure I make it back home with all of the bills. I tuck a handful into each of my two pockets and then shove the remaining into my bra, not caring that Jim eyes my cleavage as I do.

“I always do.”

His eyes seek mine, and I swear I see a hint of concern etched in the wrinkles that form around his eyes. “See that you do.”

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark