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“I’m no longer Black. The second you were confirmed to be alive, I lost my title, my empire. I’m just Enzo Rinaldi again. I have no more power than you do.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You’re alive. The rules of the contract have not been met.”

“Then I surrender. You win; just let me go.”

He frowns. “It doesn’t work that way. I can’t. Too many people know you are alive.”

“Then what do I have to do?”

“You choose. You have three choices.”

I don’t like where this is going.

He pulls out his gun and lays it on the table.

“One, I kill you now, and claim what I’ve spent my entire life earning.”

Not going to happen. If he couldn’t kill me before, he can’t now.

“Two, we fake your death, and you stay locked away in my room forever. The men will think you are dead, and I will keep my power. But you will wish you were dead. I’ve been kind and merciful for the past few weeks. That time has passed. You’ve healed, and I will claim that tight little pussy as mine as many times as I want. And as you said before, you will surrender to me. I will take it, and you will beg for more.”

His lips twitch, and I know that’s the most appealing option to him. The fucking part is appealing to me too, even though he’s the devil. A night or two in his bed doesn’t sound so bad. But I would be trapped. I would be taken. I would be a prisoner.

“Or three, you play the new game and lose. In the end, your surrender will be taken. I will rightfully and legally claim my empire. And you will go free.”

I sigh, three is obviously the only choice I have if I want to be free. This isn’t about me choosing. It is about Enzo getting his way—as always.

“But know, this new game isn’t like our truth or lies game. This game is dangerous. Your life will be on the line every single day. If you play, and aren’t strong enough, you’ll die. And there is nothing I can do to prevent that. More truths and lies will be revealed. And they will hurt worse than anything I’ve told you so far.”

I smirk, I’ve experienced pain. I can handle any truth.

“If I chose three, where will I live? Will you let me free?”

He growls as his eyes bare down on me, and I know his answer.

“No, you’re mine. You already lost one game. You don’t get to back out now. And I’m done playing a nice host. Any choice other than death will leave you tied up in my bed.”

“I only get to go free when the game is over?”

He nods, but it pains him. He doesn’t want me to go free ever. But I assume it’s one of the fine prints of the contract I should be reading before I agree to anything. But I don’t. Because as I thought before, this isn’t a choice. I’ve never had a choice. Never been able to dream or fantasize about my life. My life has been predestined from the start.

“And what if I win the game?” I ask. I don’t know what this new game entails. But if it involves truth or lies, we both know I’m just as capable of deceit as he is. If it involves pain, then I can survive agony and torture. I’ve lived it longer than him. Enzo only wins when it comes to weapons and killing.

When he brought me here, I wouldn’t have had a chance. If he brought out this contract then and forced me to play, I would have lost before the game started. But that’s not what Enzo wanted. He wanted a fair fight. That’s why he was so determined to heal me.

He’s not a kind man; he just wants to sit on his throne, knowing he earned it like every generation before him.

He smirks. “You won’t,” his cocky ass mouth says. But there is a hint of a smile and glimmer in his eyes. He’s more than ready for a fight—a battle—both in and out of his bed. His dark desires read all over his face.

But he won’t win both battles. I’m strong enough to win one—whether it’s saving my body or claiming an empire I don’t even want. I just don’t know which fight I will win. Because as much as he can only win one battle, I can only surrender to one. Will it be my body or my life I surrender to him? And which will I claim?

“Let the games begin,” I say with a smug smile. I’m going to enjoy kicking his ass.

The End

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark