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The bed was a mistake.

Kai’s not ready to be pushed any further. She’s been pushing too hard already. She’s going to crack if she keeps going at this rate.

Six years she was hurt and beaten. It’s going to take more than a few weeks to bring her back to life after that cruelty.

It’s all my fault Kai is pushing beyond her limits.

I put her up to this when I brought her to Surrender. And now she’s going to lose any progress she’s made by going too far.

The bed sounded like a good idea in my head, when I was driving back. I called and ordered the firmest bed on the market to be delivered upon my arrival back home. Normally, the mattress company doesn’t deliver so quickly, but when you have money as I do, the impossible easily becomes possible. I only wish my problems with Kai were as easily fixable.

Langston and Zeke are out meeting with a new gentleman in town who wants to acquire a yacht. I would usually meet with a new client, as this man is willing to pay big bucks for what he wants. I intended to meet with them after delivering the mattress for Kai to try. But seeing her now, I know I can’t leave her.

Even though I should.

I feel unsettled no matter what I do, stay or leave.


I don’t know what to do. Not when it comes to Kai. I want to help her, but it’s as much about helping her as helping myself get rid of her.

I try to stare at the bed, instead of her. I can’t believe she’s wearing clothes now; even if it’s just a T-shirt, it’s more than I’ve seen her in since she arrived.

I should let the issue of the bed go, and continue to sleep on the cot I’ve made on the floor. But my back is killing me, and I’m more irritable than usual after our outing at the club. I doubt I’ll be able to sleep, but if Kai sleeps, it will be worth it. She needs as much sleep as possible to continue to heal.

I walk closer to her, careful not to get too close and accidentally brush against her. I inhale her scent, knowing this is the best I will get tonight, or ever. But her scent will stay with me in my dreams.

Kai usually smells of the wildflower shampoo she uses. But tonight she smells different. She smells of lu

st, desire, and sex.

My eyes widen, and my heart races. Did someone touch her? Rape her? No, I would have known.

“Show me your hands, Kai.”

She turns with concern on her face. “What? Why?”

“Just do it.” I give her a warning look.

She hesitantly holds up her hands.

I lean down, lowering my head to her hands stopping just above them. I inhale deeply. Her fingers are laced with the same scent that hung in the air before.

I straighten, studying her face. She blushes and bites her lip nervously.

I cock my head, realizing what happened. She pushed herself even further than I realized. She pleasured herself, but from the anxious look on her face, it didn’t appear to go successfully.

I suck in a breath. I could fix her problem so easily. Make her come with a few strokes of my fingers. Give her undo pleasure. But that would require her to be touched. Tolerate a bed.

“Didn’t go successful, did it?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at her hands.

Her blush deepens. “No.”

I’m surprised by her honesty. We both know what I’m talking about.

I stare at the bed and then back to her. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. My own sexual frustration has heightened. And I’m afraid what I’m about to do will make it worse.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark