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“Where?” he asks again.

My eyes flutter down as I think of the yacht and why I hate the water so much. I glance out at the ocean in front of me.

“Okay, no more questions,” Enzo sighs.

He stands, and I think I should follow him, but he motions for me to stay seated. So I do.

I hug my knees to my chest again as I try to self-soothe. I wish I could let someone embrace me. I would love to feel comforted again. I look out as the moon rises higher over the sky. I don’t know what time it is. Usually, Enzo leaves by this time of night and heads to Surrender or to kill whoever dared to cross him.

I don’t know what he’s still doing here with me.

A few minutes later, Enzo returns. I gaze at him as a pair of sweatpants now cling to his legs a tray of food in his hands.

Neither of us has worn clothes around each other in weeks. It was a silent protest, a game we both wanted to win when one of us backed down. It seems I at least won one game.

“Come outside with me, Kai.”

My eyes widen. My body stiffens at the thought. “No.”

“The sun won’t warm you as it’s not out. And I promise not to toss you into the ocean like before,” he smirks trying to lighten the mood. It doesn’t exactly work.

I bite my bottom lip. I can’t go outside. I’m a prisoner. And I’m afraid. Can’t you see that, Enzo?

“Do I have to win another round of truth or lies to get you to go outside?”

“No, I hate that game.”

He nods.

“Come eat some food and drink some wine on the deck with me,” Enzo says.

I can’t.

“You can ask me questions while we eat.”

It’s tempting, but I know what he’s not saying. I can ask questions, just not the question I need an answer to.

“Kai,” his voice warns. I don’t know why he’s so insistent on me going outside with him. But I know if I don’t go willingly, I will be forced to go. And on some level, I want him to force me. I want to see him as the devil again. Not the man who seems concerned about what happens to me.

And also because I want to feel him touch me again. The last time he did, sparks flew. I wasn’t sure if I was experiencing pleasure or complete agony. It was a mix of both. But I could see the potential in the touch. With time, I could crave his touch.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Kai.”


He shrugs. “Because I can’t. You should be dead. And when you returned, I should have tortured you for information about your master. I should have ensured you weren’t a spy. I should have used you and disposed of you a long time ago, but I can’t.”

“Why?” I whisper again.

“Because you are the only one who could save me.”

He doesn’t elaborate. He just carries the tray out through the glass window that turns into a swinging door, when he pushes against the pane.

I could run back to my room and lock him out. But I’m tired of being afraid. I won’t live in fear. I’m safe, even if I’m only safe because I’m in a new prison with a guard who won’t touch me.

My feet touch the rough wood of the deck, and I want to recoil back inside. Push through; you can do this.

I take another step. Then another, then another. And then I feel the cool ocean breeze hit me.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark