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I growl and jerk back, forcing her hands to fall from my face. “You don’t get to talk to me, not after what you did. You betrayed me when you faked your injury and possible death. And as if that wasn’t enough, you decided to risk our lives to manipulate Liesel and me? You’re the devil.”

Her face falls. I’ve never been like this to Siren. I expect her to fight back; instead, she gives me space.

That’s when I spot Zeke behind her. He lifts his fist and slams it into my face. I knew it was coming. I deserve it.

“That was for forcing my wife to suck your cock. If you weren’t a brother to me, I’d castrate you.”

I don’t fight back, and I don’t tell him that Siren sucked my cock willingly to help me. He’s the only person who has earned the right to hurt me. All these other bastards had no right.

Kai finally steps forward. “It was my decision to have Rowan kidnap and torture you. Don’t blame any of them, blame me.”

“I do. And now you can all get the fuck off my property.” I turn to walk inside. “Oh, and Kai? I quit.”



Atlas is my son.

All the fleeting glimpses I’ve gotten of him over the last few weeks fill my head as I walk up and down the beach, tormented by what I should do. His dark-colored locks, his laugh, his height.

Is it safe to meet him?

What about what Waylon said? That my son isn’t safe. That if Waylon died, so would my son. Is Nolan going to carry on in Waylon’s place? Someone else? Or was it all a threat to get what he wanted from me?

The sun begins to set, and I find myself walking back toward the house. I don’t know if I should meet Atlas or not. I don’t know if I’ll be bringing more danger into his life once again, and I refuse to be selfish where he’s concerned. I’m glad I now know for sure he’s alive and in a loving family. I need to make sure that Atlas is really my son, though, that Langston isn’t lying for some gain. And if Atlas is, in fact, my son, I need to warn Langston. He needs to know so he can protect him if he is in danger.

I run my hand through my hair, already knowing that Atlas is my son—Langston wasn’t lying. He took care of him when everyone else failed. I can hate Langston for a lot of things, but I’ll never be able to repay him for what he’s done.

As I walk in the dark, I hope that the children have gone to bed. I need another day before I face them, but I also need to talk to Langston. I need to figure out what we do next. And it’s not like I have any money or resources to leave Miami.

I hear voices as I approach the house and find the whole crew—Enzo, Kai, Beckett, Siren, and Zeke—camped out on the back deck, talking amongst themselves.

I stop, my feet halted in the sand. I don’t want to speak to any of them ever again for what they’ve put me through. They had me kidnapped and tortured. They helped conceal my child from me even if they didn’t know. They failed to protect me when I was raped. They failed to be there every night when I searched for my son until I had no choice but to accept Waylon’s help.

I want to run and hide—but I’m done hiding.

I climb the steps loudly, until every voice on the deck silences at my approach. When I reach the top, all eyes fall on me.

Siren is sitting on Zeke’s lap as he plays possessively with her hair. Both are wearing a dark T-shirt and jeans. Kai sits next to Enzo—both of them holding a glass of wine. Kai is wearing a simple sundress, and Enzo is in jeans. Phoenix sits next to Kai in her usual long-sleeved clothing, even though the heat of summer is still suffocating us. And Beckett sits in a chair alone, like he isn’t part of the group at all.

I feel Langston sitting across from all of them, but I don’t look at him. I’m just thankful he isn’t sitting next to Phoenix.

For a moment, the only sound is the gentle flow of electricity through the Edison lights that hang overhead.

My eyes shoot through the souls of every person here, silently cursing them for the sins each of them has committed against me.

I consider my next move. Should I walk past them all and go into the house, or sit out here and have it out with them?

No more running. No more hiding.

I spot a seat next to Langston and take it. For once, I feel like it’s us two against all of them—something that I haven’t felt in a long time. Langston has always been part of them. He always takes their side. But when I feel his pinky brush against my outstretched hand, he’s letting me know he’s on my side. Whatever loyalty and guilt he has toward Phoenix, whatever brotherhood he feels toward Enzo and Zeke, whatever soulmate bond he has with Siren—none of it matters right now. We’ve both been betrayed by all of them.

“So, what happens now? You two go after the treasure together?” Kai asks.

I glare at her, and I feel an agreeing animalistic growl coming from Langston next to me. Both of us are still wearing the oversized flannel we got from the cabin we were hiding in.

“You don’t get to know anything about our plans,” I spit back.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark