Page 65 of Cruel Lies (Lies 4)

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Liesel struts over to Corbin, her eyes set on him. I know what she’s going to do before she does it. I have to stop her.

“No,” Maxwell whispers in a hushed command.

“I have to help her.”

He shakes his head. “You do and we’re all dead.”

I know he’s right. I count over thirty men in this room—all with guns. Maxwell is basically useless, and I’m good, but I can’t take down thirty men while keeping Liesel from getting shot in the process. But I can’t just sit here and watch this.

Maxwell looks at me and just shakes his head like he thinks I’m ridiculous. “You’re an idiot.”

Maybe I am—for falling for a girl who is followed by trouble like a hurricane leaving devastation everywhere. I know I’m about to once again risk my life to save her, but I’ll do it gladly.

“What do you want in exchange?” Corbin asks, his eyes raking up and down her body like she’s his.

“Nothing,” she grins. “I’ll fuck you and any other man in this room who wants me for free.”

My heart breaks into a million pieces, each shar

p edge stabbing at my ribs and organs, killing me from the inside out.

But then Liesel’s eyes catch mine. She sees me hiding—looks right at me as she breaks my heart and snickers.

My head falls back, and I glance over at Maxwell, who is just as stunned as I am. I’m not seeing things—Liesel just willingly offered up her body to any man in this room. She doesn’t want anything in return.

Liesel Dunn is a liar.

She’s never been on my side. She’s always been on Waylon’s and now Corbin’s. She’s the villain in my story. I should have killed her when I got the chance.

I couldn’t then, and I sure as hell can’t now.

Maxwell is right; I am an idiot.

For falling in love with a girl who was never mine. For still wanting to save her when she doesn’t want to be saved. For still loving her even when she betrays me.



Betray him.

Do it—it’s just sex. Something that’s been taken from you so many times before. Fuck this man and whoever else he wants me to fuck to get the treasure, to protect my son, to end this war.

It will hurt Langston—but it will also save him. It’s better this way. Make him hate me now so he won’t get hurt worse later—so that there is no chance he’ll fall in love with me.

I don’t know what I was thinking, letting Langston propose to me like that. Getting married in a white dress with a handmade ring and vows. I should have just dragged his ass into the church and had a quick wedding like what I was going to do with Maxwell.

Instead, it was romantic and sweet and led to more. But we can never have more.

So I’ll end it now.

My father was a cruel fucking man. If he wasn’t dead already, I’d kill him myself for making me fall for a man only to hurt him in the worst possible way. Even if Langston figures out why I’m doing this—it’s still unforgivable. It will still change everything between us.

I lazily look around at the men in the room. Corbin sits in his chair like it’s a throne, while the other men salivate in my direction.

I have no problem fucking men, taking away their power with my pussy. It’s when they try to take from me, that’s when I have a problem. Sex is a weapon when you wield it correctly, and I’m an expert.

Before the last twenty-four hours, I would have had no problem fucking Corbin, making him believe I’m on his side, getting him to let his guard down in order for me to win. But now…

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark