Page 63 of Cruel Lies (Lies 4)

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She flirted, used her body to seduce him. She touched him like she already knew him.

What is happening?

My mind buzzes, trying to remember everything that just happened. Every look she gave Corbin. Every unspoken exchange. Every word she muttered.

If you want me, all you have to do is ask.

She said it so flippantly. Like it meant nothing to her. Like she’d fuck him without thinking twice about it.

When she was just fucking me just hours earlier. When she’s married to me. When she’s mine.

I try to rack my brain for answers, but I only find more questions. Corbin didn’t even ask to fuck her. He didn’t threaten her. He didn’t say he would force her. She just willingly offered her body to him. Why?

Has she been working with them all along? Did she lie to me? Was she really in love with Waylon? Does she actually want Corbin, not me?

None of her actions make sense.

And then another memory springs into my head like a bulldozer driving into my heart.


I was in the back of the van, barely conscious, but I saw Liesel kissing Corbin.

I open my eyes to darkness and find myself locked in a dungeon. Metal bars surround me, chains bind my wrists to the wall above my head, but the bars and chains are nothing compared to the darkness encapsulating my heart.

I shake my head, trying to shake off the memories that have to be lies.

Liesel cares about me, not Corbin. She wouldn’t betray me like that. My memories must be wrong. She’s in danger, same as me. She might be locked up in a dungeon nearby. Corbin could be torturing her, forcing himself on her. I have to break free. I have to go find her and save her.

I try to move my arms, but the chains holding my arms to the wall don’t budge.


My feet are free, so I dig them into the ground, trying to gather some leverage to yank the chains off the wall. No amount of strength is going to get these chains to move.

I glance around the dark room for something I could use to pick the lock with, but the room is empty. I move my ass against the floor, trying to see if they left my wallet or phone. My pockets are empty. I move my foot around in my boot, but they don’t find the knife I usually keep there.

I have nothing to use to break free.

I’m going to fail Liesel again.

I flail one more time, trying to pull the chains off the wall, but I have to force myself to stop no matter how hard it is for me to sit here and do nothing. If I do get an opportunity to get free, I’m going to need all of my strength to fight my way out of here, to protect Liesel.

A door opens, and light floods down into my dark little space.

I squint, hating the light. I prefer the darkness.

The door closes again as heavy footsteps creep down the stairs.

“Maxwell,” I practically growl as he stops just outside the metal bars.

“It seems like our circumstances have changed. Now you’re the one tied up, while I’m free to do as I please.”

“Just shoot me and get it over with.”

He chuckles. “Only an unhinged man would shoot a man while he’s tied up. Especially when those men are on the same side.”

“We aren’t on the same side.”

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark