Page 16 of Cruel Lies (Lies 4)

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He wraps Atlas in a hug and then whispers something into his ear that makes him smile.

I gasp when I see Atlas’ eyes and smile. There is no doubt in my mind that he’s my son and that Langston loves him as his own. My only role in my child’s life is to ensure that he’s safe. I don’t get to know him—that will only bring more danger into his life.

Phoenix is his mother.

Langston is his father.

And I, I’m his protector.



I plant my feet firmly on the ground on my driveway as I watch Beckett drive away with my kids in the backseat. Every instinct in my body tells me to run after them. I’m their protector. I’m supposed to keep them safe. I need to be with them.

My feet don’t move, though. The weight of the world is the only thing keeping me from running after Beckett’s bulletproof SUV. The only way to protect them is to get the damn treasure and destroy our enemies. If they stay with me, they will be a target.

So I let them go, even though I physically feel pain letting them out of my sight. Even though I trust Beckett. Even though I know the rest of the Black empire—Enzo, Kai, Siren, and Zeke—will protect them. We would all lay down our lives to protect the kids.

I turn around just as the SUV turns a corner and escapes from sight.


She’s standing on the side of the house.

I smile—she couldn’t help herself. She took a peek at the kids.

I wish she had done more, met them, but that’s her decision. The monster inside me isn’t satisfied with that, though. I can forgive Liesel for a lot of things, but not when it comes to her child.

She looks back to the house and walks over to where Phoenix and I stand.

“We should go now,” Liesel says. She rushes toward the car in the garage.

Phoenix and I exchange glances before we follow her to the car. I sit in the driver’s seat, Phoenix next to me, and Liesel behind me. Phoenix tosses Liesel a change of clothes as I start driving us to the airport.

We aren’t out of the garage for two seconds when a nearby explosion rocks our car.

Phoenix shrieks.

My heart stops.

Liesel just stares down the road, completely unfazed.

“It’s gone,” Phoenix says, drawing my attention away from Liesel and back t

o the house.

Flames dance across the shattered remains. This house is where my kids have grown up. It’s where I first brought them home, where we became a family.

I try to push out the dozens of stuffed animals, bikes, and pictures that were just taken from us. We are all safe—that’s what matters.

But my blood boils. Liesel isn’t surprised at all that the house just exploded. The letter threatened us, but did she hide details from me? What else is in that damn letter?

I grip the steering wheel in rage and look back at Liesel through the rearview mirror. I’ve only been this pissed at her one time before. But this time, I’m not going to let her get away with it.

Phoenix is still sobbing and carrying on next to me. It’s just a house, just stuff, but I feel her pain. Something was taken from us today, and whomever it was is going to pay—even if the woman in the back seat had something to do with it.

I reach across and find Phoenix’s hand. I lift it to my lips and kiss the back of her hand.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark