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He doesn’t take the bait.

“I won’t be the one dying tonight,” he says.

I make my move.

I dart forward into the shadows, not sure what I’m going to find. He could be holding a gun aimed at my head for all I know, but I’ve faced worse. Liesel lost on purpose, so I would end up here. I’ve failed Liesel too many times; I won’t disappoint her again.

I go for his head, grabbing him by the neck. I squeeze and hold on with everything I have, tackling him to the ground and out of the shadows.

Waylon Brown.

The fucking bastard.

There is so much I don’t understand, but what I do know is that he’s a sick fucker who hurt Liesel and is using her to get the treasure.

I punch him in the eye before I feel a bullet hit my back.

A second bullet.

A third.

It doesn’t stop me from trying to strangle Waylon.

Now, it’s just a matter of time.

Will I lose consciousness and bleed to death, or will Waylon stop breathing first?

His face is red.

My body is strong.

I can kill him before I’m taken down.

I can.

I must…



“Stop the car!” I yell.

The limo continues moving forward. I don’t think Maxwell can hear me, and I’m not going to wait to figure out how to find the button that connects me to the front of the limo.

I open my door and roll out, hitting the pavement hard in my dress and heels. I scramble to my feet quickly and start to run in Phoenix’s direction. I need to get to her before she realizes who’s coming for her. If she recognizes me, she’ll run away before I get a chance to talk to her.

Luckily, she’s facing the kids playing in the park. I can’t see the kids easily, but it’s not them I need to convince. Although, I’d love to get a closer look at the two young kids—bask in the traits that are Langston.

I don’t have time for that.

When I’m almost to Phoenix, I speak.

“It was a trap,” I say, not sure how many words I’ll be able to get out and choosing the most important ones first.

She turns and looks at me with wide eyes and a puzzled expression.

I huff and grab her arms, hoping I’m stronger than her or the skills Langston taught me as a kid will be good enough to force her to listen to me. The only problem is Langston has probably taught her the same tricks.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark