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“Don’t push yourself too far tonight to defeat Liesel. If she wins, we can steal the money again like before,” Beckett says nonchalantly.

We can’t.

And I’m beginning to think I need to win for more reasons than just keeping the money from Liesel. Something feels off about everything Liesel said last night. It feels like she’s begging for help, for a way to escape. I want her dead, but at my hands. No one else gets to bury Liesel except for me.

A few minutes later, Beckett leaves. I take my time getting dressed once again in my suit that has somehow been dry cleaned and delivered to my room. Then I don the mask, tying it around the upper half of my face.

The mask is supposed to make me feel invincible, discreet and hidden. I hate hiding, though. I’d rather fight head-on. I didn’t give a fake name when we boarded, because I’d rather everyone know exactly who I am. Hopefully, I can take my mask off in the final round.

I glance at the clock in my room—a quarter till midnight.


I walk into the hallway and up the stairs, the caffeine buzzing through my body, making me feel alive and ready.

I’m ready for whatever I face tonight.

When I reach the top deck, the air feels different than last night. Last night everyone was chatting; there was a nervous, excited energy about the crowd. Tonight, it’s all anxious nerves. There is no small talk between the eight remaining participants. Only about half the people up here even have a drink in their hand. Everyone has a solemn, ready to go to war look in their eyes.

Everyone left came to win.

“It feels eery up here. I feel like everyone here knows what’s about to happen except for us,” Beckett whispers.

I nod. I feel the same.

There are five men, including Beckett and myself.

Two women.



I tried to ignore the pull I felt when I stepped foot up here, but it’s here, plain as day.

She’s wearing a different dress than last night. This one is all black, and she has a black mask. The only thing that isn’t black on her body is her dark red lipstick.

How did she get a new dress?

Everyone else here is wearing a dry cleaned version of what they wore the night before.

What game is this, Liesel? Why d

id I let my anger out last night? I should have demanded a truth instead of a lie. Then I might have a damn clue what this stupid game is.

I look at Liesel, trying to gain any insight from her expression. I find nothing. She’s solid stone. Expressionless and unbending.

I stare her down. I’m going to destroy you, and then I’m going to take you back to my island, and we are going to finish what we started.

“Congratulations, everyone, on making it to the second night,” Mr. Reyes says, holding a glass of champagne in his hand.

An employee carries a tray of champagne glasses around the deck, offering a glass to everyone.

I turn it down. I don’t want to drink sweet champagne right now.

“Tonight will be much different than last night. Last night was about dipping your toes into this world. Tonight, you’ll dive headfirst into the deep end.” He smirks like he knows a secret that will ruin all of us.

I grind my teeth and my hands fist. Out with it!

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark