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More buzzing.


There is something electronic in this room. It’s probably just a battery-powered alarm clock, but I can hope.

I move onto all fours as I pat around the floor, searching for the source of the buzzing.

I feel a strap.

A bag!

It’s sitting on a small chair in the corner.

I pick up the bag and put it on my lap, as I furiously search inside.

My heart races. Could I really find a phone? A way to make contact with the outside world and escape?

I touch a piece of glass.

My heart thumps to a stop.

It’s too big to be a phone.

I pull out the device—an iPad.

My heart flutters, not knowing if I should be elated or crushed.

I click the home button to get the screen to light up—praying that the iPad has a cellular connection. I doubt there is wifi.

Please, please, please.

I stare at the screen after the split second it takes to light up. I silence the alarm buzzing the device.

My eyes dart to the upper right corner.

It has cellular reception.

Thank god.

I pull up the phone app and am about to call Waylon when my fingers suddenly stop.

I don’t know what island I’m on. I care about Waylon. He’s a smart man, but he’s never had to worry about money, never gotten scrappy or creative, never dealt with dangerous people. The most he’ll be able to do is call the police or FBI to search for me.

By then, Langston will have found me and moved me to another island.

But who else do I have on my side?


No, he’d take Langston’s side.


She’s sweet, but becoming a leader has made her tougher. She will do whatever is in the best interest of the empire she controls, which means not pissing off one of her best employees—Langston. She would help me and then rat me out to him.


He’s always hated me. He wouldn’t help.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark