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My eyes take in everything—the fucking sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. She looks like a vampire. I have no doubt she’s more powerful right now than any vampire in any novel or movie I’ve ever seen. She’s fucking glowing with strength.

“You should have said your safe word, killer. Tomorrow, you’ll be the one I’m taking a bite out of.”

I shake my head. “I would worry about tomorrow later if I were you. Tonight, we are playing my game. Tonight, I want to hear a lie. Tell me all the lies, because I can’t wait another night to kill you.”



He wants me to lie.

I must have really gotten under his skin. And now he’s here getting under mine, taking in every ounce of my nakedness.

I still have blood on my face from biting Mr. Young. I’m sweaty and sticky from being manhandled and his failed attempts at making me come.

My hair is wild, and my makeup must be dripping from my face. The only piece of clothing I still wear is my mask.

Langston is shirtless, and the top of his pants are still undone, but he has a lot more clothes on than I do. He’s sweaty, but no blood covers him. He looks almost dignified.

“We should both get some rest. Tomorrow night is going to take every ounce of strength,” I say.

He forces his way inside my room, and I push the door shut behind him.

“But by all means, please come in.”

He snorts as he turns to look at me with his heady eyes, hooded and dripping in lust and desire.

He’s just as turned on and unsatisfied as me. That’s why he’s looking at me like this. Not because he finds me attractive, I remind myself.

I want to get dressed, put a robe on at least. I feel weak without clothes on, but I can’t let him know that. Tomorrow if I get to wear any articles of clothing other than my mask all night, I’ll be lucky. I need to get used to it. I need to feel powerful naked.

Somehow though, being nude in front of everyone else makes me strong. But in front of this man, with his eyes dancing over my body, I feel powerless.

My memories flutter through everything that has happened tonight, but only playing the parts that included Langston. Him kissing and groping the first woman, completely in control. Siren down on her knees, pleasuring him. Him threatening his male partner.

“She really loves you, doesn’t she?” I ask out of nowhere. It’s the only thing I can concentrate on.

“Who? Phoenix?” Langston says sheepishly, like it’s too much for him to think of Phoenix while he’s living this life.

“No,” I shake my head. “Siren.”

There is a beat of truthful silence as Langston and I trade breaths.

“Yes. Siren loves me, and I love her.”

I can feel how heavily his heart beats for her. How he’d do anything in the world for her and she him.

“What is it like? Loving someone and being loved?”

“It’s the most incredible and terrifying thing in the world.”

I nod.

“Don’t get it twisted, though. Siren and I aren’t lovers. Until tonight, we’d never touched each other and never kissed.”

“I know. It’s not a sexual thing between you. It’s not what Siren has with Zeke. It’s different, but it’s still love.”

Langston nods as he turns and looks out the sliding glass door behind him. I walk up beside him, and we both stare out at the stary night.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark