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I groan as I walk over to Siren and a middle-aged man.

“Mr. Beckett, Mrs. Black, and Mr. Cole.”

A couple more rounds of names are given.

“You have one hour together. Enjoy yourselves. Test your limits. Remember the reward at the end if you win. This will be the final round of the night. Whoever makes it through this round will make it to tomorrow, where everything will change. Begin.”

I glance around at the two other groups I care about. Beckett, Kai, and a random man. Kai will lose, but Beckett will protect her for as long as he can.

Then, I find Liesel. She’s paired with Zeke and another man who is almost as big and tall. The two men could gang up on her. They could tear her apart, rip her to shreds. Bruise her, gag her, hurt her. It’s two against one. I don’t like her odds. The only thing working in my favor is that Zeke won’t want to do anything sexual to Liesel. But he’ll have no problem holding her down while the other man fucks every one of her holes and suffocates her to within an inch of her life.

“Zeke won’t hurt her,” Siren whispers to me.

I grunt. “He’s hated her since we were kids. He’ll enjoy hurting her.”

“That was before he knew you were in love with her.”

I laugh. “I’m not in love with her.”

“Then why else are you going through all this trouble? I know you say for the treasure, but that’s just stupid. Why?”

“Maybe it’s because I hate her, and this is the best way to make her pay.”

“We only have an hour. Are we going to get started, or you two going to waste everyone’s time? Because I have no problem using my shirt as a gag if it will shut you two up,” Mr. Lloyd says.

I size the man up. He’s tall and lanky. Built like a swimmer’s body. He has muscles, and he’s fit, but he doesn’t have the bulk strength that I do. I also doubt he has the intelligence. That’s not me just being cocky; I’m smarter than almost everyone else I know.

“If you’re so impatient, then you start. But if you go anywhere near my asshole, I’ll punch you until your lights are out. Got it?” I say.

He chuckles. “You aren’t going to make it long if you can’t handle some anal play from another guy. First time?”

I don’t answer. I don’t have a problem fucking anyone—woman, man makes no difference. Sex is just that—sex.

But I don’t like anyone else taking control. Liesel and I have that same problem.

I looked at Liesel less than a minute ago, and yet, I’m already finding her again. Just as I suspected, Zeke has Liesel’s arms tied behind her back while Mr. scumbag is running his hands up and down her body.

I growl. No one touches what is mine.

I want to run over and stop the man from touching her. She doesn’t want this. There is no possible way she’d ever let a strange man touch her. She does the touching, the kissing, the fucking. She didn’t even let Waylon, her fiancé, take control during sex. He was her submissive puppy.

I’m about to break all the rules and go over and put a stop to this when Liesel glances my way. There is a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, and I realize she’s completely in control. I don’t know what her plan is, but it’s there.

That twinkle immediately disappears as soon as Siren puts her hands around me from behind and begins unbuttoning my shirt.

“What are you doing?” I hiss.

“Making Liesel jealous. Her look says she suspects we’re going to breeze through this round because she already thinks you and I have fucked.”

I curse.

Siren kisses my neck like we are lovers, like she’s already intimately acquainted with every area of my body.

“Zeke isn’t going to like it,” I whisper back as Mr. Lloyd starts walking over to join in on the fun.

“Let me worry about Zeke. Just keep me away from Lloyd.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re going to owe me.”

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark