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That would be me. I step forward and feel everyone’s eyes on me as I collect my card.

I don’t bother to glance at the safe word as I tuck the card into my bra. Everyone notices, and there is a collective hush around the room.

I will look at the safe word later, but I won’t be needing it this round. I know my limits, and really, I only have one. This round won’t be the one where that limit is crossed.

I feel Langston’s stare more intensely than anyone else’s. He has questions. He wants to know why I chose a fake name. He wants to know what a rape victim who has trouble fucking anyone is doing in the middle of a dangerous sex game.

Just more secrets I’ll be taking to my grave.

“Mr. Black.”

My eyes cut to Enzo as a smug smile crosses my lips.

Jesus, could this first-round be any easier?

Enzo walks stoically toward me as he collects his card. He, unlike me, looks at the safe word. He’s going to be needing it.

We stand to the side as the rest of the names are called.

“What did you get us into, Liesel?” Enzo asks me.

“I didn’t get you into anything. This is Langston’s fault when he stole everything from me.”

“You could have come to any of us for money, and we would have given it to you.”

“But then it wouldn’t have been mine. I would have owed you a debt, and I’m tired of owing men debts.”

His eyes narrow as he tries to find the meaning behind my words.

“Round one is limited to thirty minutes. Enjoy your time together. Push the limits. But remember, the word ‘no’ has no power here. You can say no, but that doesn’t mean your partner has to stop. The only word with any power to stop the madness is your safe word. Use it, and your time here ends. Keep the word from your mouth, and you’ll move on to the next round, where more pleasure awaits you, but so does more pain. Round one starts now.”

Round one isn’t where things get interesting. There are too many people in the game that have no sense being here. People are too timid in round one. I plan on making it to the end, so I won’t hold back.

I’ve fucked Enzo Black and been raped by his father. There is no limit too far when it comes to him. I’d love to enjoy making him bleed, but I doubt I’ll get the chance to take things that far.

“So, what happens now?” Enzo asks as people around us nervously start talking, some touching or tentatively kissing.

I down the rest of my champagne, letting the sweet liquid burn my throat, and then I calmly place my glass on one of the little cocktail tables.

Enzo is still gripping his scotch glass.

I take Enzo’s free hand.

“Liesel, I’ll give you the money, you don’t have to do this.”

I kiss the palm of his hand, knowing I won’t get a reaction from him. But I want to draw some blood before he calls out his safe word like the pussy he is. The only way to do that is to take my time with him.

“What? You think I’m whoring myself out to make money?”

The tick in his jaw confirms that is exactly what he thinks of me. He doesn’t realize the way to win this game is to push your partner before they push you. Keep the upper hand, the control, the power, and you win. Lose it for a second, and you might as well forfeit because there is no way to come back.

My gaze finds Kai’s as my teeth sink into Enzo’s wrist like a vampire drawing blood.

He winces as my teeth pierce his skin, but he doesn’t surrender. He’s a man who can handle pain. He’s lived it just like me.

He grabs me by the neck and yanks me to him. “Don’t play games with me, Liesel. You’ll lose. You’ve lost every time.”

“I lost because my protectors failed me. But I don’t lose when I’m protecting myself.”

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark