“You have no idea how much I appreciate your help. I’ll pay you back—”

“Don’t you dare. You have nothing to pay me back for.”

“Not even by going with you on a girls trip?”

I can feel her smile through the phone. “Kai would kill me if I didn’t use this opportunity to persuade you to go on a girls trip with us, but I don’t think persuasion will be necessary. You’ll want to vent after all of this is over.”

“You’re probably right.” I won’t be venting to Waylon about my time here, that’s for sure.

“Hang tight. I’ll have you off his island in two hours.” Siren hangs up the phone.

Two hours until I’m free.

I stare down the road that leads toward Langston’s house as the sun begins to rise. Even if Langston comes for me before I’m rescued, I trust Siren. She’ll find me and make Langston release me.

This is truly the end of this nightmare.


I didn’t give Siren my location. How does she know where I am? And where am I exactly?

I shake off the weird vibes. She probably just knows because she knows where Langston has been living lately and the location of his beach house. I’m sure he’s told those he’s close to before. I’m just not one of those people anymore.

I sit back down in my hut and wait.

The sun has fully risen when I hear the roar of an engine. I step out of the hut, hoping I’m not dreaming up the sound of the airplane and it’s not just Langston’s car or another attack.

I refuse to think about who those men are or why they were attacking Langston. It’s been a while since I’ve heard any explosions or gunfire—not a good sign. That means Langston is no longer occupied by fighting. He could be searching for me.

I shield my eyes and look up.

A plane.

I hold my breath while the plane lands, begging it to be Siren’s team.

Finally, the plane rolls to a stop, and the side door lowers. Siren sticks her head out the doorway.

I exhale. She’s here. I wish she had sent a team to pick me up instead of doing it herself, but I’m happy that she’s here. It means I’m getting off this island and away from Langston for good.

“Any sign of Lanston?” Siren asks as I jog toward the plane.

I shake my head.

“Good, let’s get going before he figures out I’m here. I’ll deal with his dumb ass later.”

I smile.

Siren pulls me into a hug even though I’m covered in dried dirt, leaves, and sweat.

I wince when she hugs me too tightly, agitating the wound on the back of my shoulder.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?” Siren asks as she holds me at arm’s length and looks me up and down.

“It’s okay; I’ve been sleeping on the jungle floor. I’m just sore.” I don’t want her to know I’m wounded. I want her to know as little as possible.

She nods. “There is a bathroom in the back with a small shower. The water won’t stay hot for long, but you can at least clean up. I’ll put a change of clothes outside the bathroom door for you.”

“Thanks, looking forward to getting off this island.”

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark