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“Liesel,” I surrender.

“Oh. What’s new with Liesel? Did Kai tell you that she’s thinking about going on our girl’s trip with us in a week?”

“Liesel’s not going.”

Siren frowns. “Why not?”

“Because I kidnapped her, and I say she’s not going.”

“You what?” Siren exclaims.

“I kidnapped Liesel. I’m holding her hostage. I threatened to kill her.”

“Please tell me this is a joke? That I’m not hearing you correctly?”

“It’s not a joke.”

“What? Why…? I don’t understand.”

“It’s a long story that I’m not going to get into, but she left me no choice.”

“Langston Finn Pearce, you do too have a choice. What the hell? Let her go right now!”


“Langston? What is your plan?”

“I’m going to get Liesel to talk, and then I’m going to kill her.”

Siren gasps. “You’re lying. You’re not going to kill Liesel. Aren’t you, like, in love with her?”

I shake my head. “I was never in love with her.”

“Let her go, Langston.”


She shoves me hard. “Let. Her. Go.”

“You’re not the boss of me.” I shove her back.

“What the hell is going on out here?” Zeke sticks his head out.

“My best friend is being an ass. Do something about it for me.” Siren throws her hands up.

“What did you do?” Zeke asks.

“I kidnapped Liesel. No big deal. I have everything under control.”

Zeke’s fist comes flying at my face.

I try to deflect, but my reflexes are slow after all the alcohol, and he hits me in the eye.

“Should I punch him again or is once enough?” Zeke asks Siren.

“I don’t know. Do you think kidnapping Liesel and threatening her with death only deserves one punch?” Siren puts her hands on her hips, looking stern.

Zeke punches me again.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark