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What the hell happened last night?

I yawn.

I’m going to need an IV of coffee to keep me going today. I didn’t sleep more than five minutes all last night, not after what Liesel did.

How do I deal with her?

What the hell do I do?

Coffee. Coffee first, then I deal with Liesel.

I get dressed, flip the lock of the closet door, and race down the stairs. I know she didn’t sleep a second last night, either. She’ll be chasing me down the stairs, wanting answers.

I’m on a mission.


Liesel won’t get in my way.

The damn grinder won’t get in my way.

Not today.

I march down the stairs and over to the kitchen.

“Morning, boss,” Amelia says with an annoying smile as she holds out a cup of coffee for me.

“Thanks,” I grumble, grabbing the cup of coffee from her hands.

She smirks. “I figured you’d be up early again and need this.”

“You’re a lifesaver.” I guzzle down the first cup and then help myself to a second.

“Didn’t get much sleep last night?” She blushes, tossing her auburn hair over her shoulder. Amelia is a fantastic cook, but she’s equally as capable equipped with a gun in her hand as she is a chef’s knife.

“Don’t ask.”

I carry my cup of coffee outside onto the patio just as Liesel comes downstairs in her jean shorts and red bikini top again.


She’s going to kill me.

And she’s going to succeed long before I can kill her.

Less than a minute later, Liesel is opening the glass door and walking toward me carrying her own cup of coffee.

I frown.

I need to tell Amelia that the first pot of coffee in the morning is mine and to not share it with Liesel.

Liesel, unlike me, looks ready to go. Her blonde hair hangs in waves over her right shoulder. Her face looks bright with just a hint of freckles over her nose instead of the painted face I’m used to seeing on her. She looks young and carefree in her red bikini top that I want to rip from her body.

“I know you won’t talk to me until the sun sets, but you should make an exception today,” Liesel puts one hand on her hip while the other lifts her oversized mug to her lips, as she stands in front of me.

I shake my head and then press my fingers against my forehead, trying to relieve the pressure from my pounding headache.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark