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“I’ll be giving orders soon enough. I’ll let you decide where we talk tonight.”

I stand. “Where do you want to walk?”

“Down to the beach.”

I nod.

He picks up a small bag I didn’t notice on the floor and slings it over his shoulder, before taking off down the cliffside.

I follow after, still barefoot in my robe.

Langston walks to the edge of the water then plops his bag down. He pulls out a towel and lays it out before sitting down on it. Langston turns and looks at me.

All I see is the glistening water reflecting off the blueness in his eyes. He looks warm and welcoming, not like the killer he is.

He pats a spot on the towel next to him.

I take a deep inhale before sitting down beside him. I’ll reserve my strength to fight him later when I’m really going to need it.

Langston gives me a slight nod of approval and then pulls out two lowball glasses.

“Hold,” he says, handing them to me.

I take them and hold while he pours two fingers of scotch into each glass. He remembers my favorite drink.

I frown as my eyes slant up to meet his.

“What is this? Why are you being nice?”

He takes his glass and takes a long sip.

“I’m not being nice. This conversation could go long, and I want to be able to enjoy myself while we talk.”

I roll my eyes. “Liar. Then why do I get a glass?”

“The drunker you are, the more likely you are to spill the truth and put us both out of our misery.”

I down my drink and hold it out with a smug expression.

He shakes his head.

“You don’t get more until I say so. We are going for tipsy, not passed out throwing up everywhere drunk.”

I pout and continue to hold my glass out to him.

“You look ridiculous,” Langston says.

I sigh and set my glass down. “You used to like it.”


A wave splashes hard against the sand, distracting us both for a moment. The sun has almost completely set, and we simply enjoy the view, waiting for the colors to fade and darkness to settle in before we talk about the darkness we both share.

When the last of the light leaves the sky, Langston finally talks.

“One year.”

My head whips to him.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark