Page 105 of Vicious Lies (Lies 1)

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I couldn’t watch the rest, and yet I couldn’t drag my eyes away.

I watched as she drew blood.

I watched as she struggled to free herself.

I watched her stronger than I’ve ever seen her, not making a single sound of pain, fear, or defeat. It’s then that I realized my entire strategy had been wrong. There is no way I’m breaking Liesel. She’s too durable, impenetrable.

But if anyone is going to break her, it’s going to be me.

When I finally got here, it took all of my control not to show her how I felt. I was the one breaking for her. I’ve always been breaking for her.

I ordered Joel away.

Even then, it took everything in me to walk away from her. We both needed sp

ace. She deserved space to hate me for failing her again.

After shooting Joel, I probably should have killed Amelia too, but I didn’t want to spend the day getting rid of two dead bodies.

Instead, I spent the day giving Liesel space. I spent it trying to put the fear of God into the rest of my team, laying down rules and making it perfectly clear what will happen if they lay a finger on Liesel without my permission.

I pick out a new man as my head of security to replace Joel. Unfortunately, no one else on the team is a good cook, so we will be chefless for the time being.

All I know is that I don’t trust a damn soul on this island—not even Phoenix, who has decided to give me the silent treatment today.

As for Liesel, she’s been at the beach all day.

I gave her her space. I needed it as much as she did.

But the sun is setting—it’s time to talk.

I grab the most expensive bottle of scotch I own. One I don’t think Liesel has tried, but she’ll love. I carry it and two glasses down the sandy cove to the beach.

Liesel is sitting in our spot in the sand already. I’m pretty sure she’s sat here all day. She has a towel wrapped around her like she’s cold, but the sun’s heat is still beating on us. I’m sweating as I walk, so there is no way she’s cold.

Then I spot the bottle she’s lifting to her lips. It only has a fourth of the liquid left in it. She’s probably drunk off her ass if that bottle was full when she started this morning. She’s trying to chase her demons away with alcohol, trying to chase away Joel. She doesn’t know that he’s already paid for what he did to her.

I sit down next to her in the sand.

She doesn’t look over at me, just brings the bottle back to her lips.

“Where’s Joel?” she asks with surprising clarity for a woman who spent the day drinking.

“He quit.”

“Uh-huh,” she says, not believing me.

“You don’t have to worry about Joel anymore.”

“I know.”

I frown, not sure what she means. She’s drunk, so I’m not going to get any clear answers from her tonight. Tonight is just about getting back into our routine.

“I told you not to trust anyone but me,” I say.

“Oh, so this is my fault?” Her head snaps to me with the venom of a cobra as she looks at me.

Her towel drops away as she snarls at me, and my world freezes.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark