Page 100 of Vicious Lies (Lies 1)

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“Yes?” Amelia answers, sounding irritated to be interrupted.

“It’s time for a shift change,” Phoenix says, walking into the room. Her eyes hold no emotion as she looks at Amelia, acting like I’m not even in the room.

Amelia glances at her watch. “I still have thirty minutes left. And Joel is up next, not you.”

“Joel told me he needs you to fix the coffee machine before he goes on shift. He’s hungover and showering,” Phoenix says.

God, she’s a good liar.

“Fine. Do you have a weapon? This one needs it to make her obey. We tied her up with extra rope this time, but somehow the bitch figured out how to untangle herself last time.”

Phoenix eyes the gun in Amelia’s hand. “I’m good.”

Amelia nods. “Call me if you have any trouble.”

And then Amelia leaves.

Phoenix stands quietly in place. I’m not sure what she’s doing, but then I notice that her eyes are closed. She’s listening.

I close my eyes too, and hear Amelia’s footsteps downstairs.

“We don’t have much time,” Phoenix says, running to me and going to work on my wrists.

“No, start with my ankles, I can do my wrists.”

“There are too many ropes; there is no way you can untie yourself. If I can get your arms free, then you can help with your ankles.”

“Trust me, work on my ankles.”

Phoenix hesitates for a second, but I nod my encouragement.

“Okay,” she relents and moves to my ankles.

I start working on my wrists.

“The coffee machine needs fixing, huh? That’s probably because you were the one who broke it,” Joel says from the doorway.

We both freeze.

“Shit,” Phoenix mutters under her breath.

She turns and looks at him. “I was just making sure you tied these ropes tight enough so she doesn’t get away this time.”

“Uh, huh. Sure, you were. Get back to your half to the house and leave this to us.”

“But—” Phoenix starts.

“Now,” Joel grows.

Phoenix flashes me a look of apology. There is a guilty sadness in her eyes. She knows what happens next, and there is nothing she can do about it.

I smile. “It’s okay, go,” I whisper so only she can hear. My voice is full of strength.

Phoenix bites her lip, clearly concerned, but her staying won’t stop this. She doesn’t have a weapon; she’s not like Amelia, who has clearly had combat training. I don’t know what role Phoenix plays yet, but my guess is some kind of IT role that helps manage the computers and security systems. An important role, but useless right now. If she stays, she’ll just end up beaten as well.

“Go,” I nod.

Phoenix gives me a stubborn look, and I think she might stay, but at the last second, she turns and leaves without a word.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark