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He kisses the back of her hand.

“Nothing you need to worry about, Liesel,” Enzo says.

Liesel sighs and lets go of him as she makes her way to the middle of the group. She folds her arms as she looks into each of our eyes, trying to get answers. I don’t think she wants to know because she wants to judge us. It’s more because she’s a nosy bitch who wants to be able to control my life like she did when we were little.

“Finally going to get this one his first kill?” Liesel asks, gesturing in my direction.

I seethe. She doesn’t know that I’ve already earned her nickname for me. I’ve killed. I don’t know if tonight’s mission is to kill, but if Enzo requires it of me, I will.

My soul is already lost. I’m evil, and I like it. I won’t let Liesel or anyone else change me.

Zeke laughs. “Langston isn’t capable of killing a fly, sweetheart. If anyone does the killing, it will be me.”

Liesel’s eyes dart from Zeke to me. Zeke’s words are true. He’s killed the most of all of us so far. He’s the biggest, the oldest, but Enzo and I will catch up soon. The only reason I don’t have as big of a number as Zeke is because I do most of the behind the scenes work. I’m the most skilled with a computer. I’ve become both the hunter and the killer.

Liesel searches for the truth in my eyes, but she can no longer read me as easily as she once could.

When she doesn’t find what she’s looking for, she gives up and turns to Enzo.

“Walk me to class,” Liesel says, shoving her textbook into Enzo’s hands with a wink.

She tosses her blonde curled hair over her shoulder as she loops her hand into the crook of Enzo’s arm, and he starts leading her away. I’m left to stare at her ass in a tight black dress with wedge heels, remembering her full face of makeup.

What the hell was that?

The only time I’ve ever seen her wear a dress was for my mother’s funeral. I’ve never seen her wear a dress, or makeup, or style her hair like this. High school has changed her. Money has changed her.

Zeke makes a whipped sound at Enzo, who just flips him off as they round the corner.

My blood boils.

I’m not jealous, just pissed. I didn’t think she’d become this fake just to get into Enzo’s pants.

Not that he cares about her in that way. He might fuck her a couple of times, but he doesn’t love her. He’ll fuck her and then expect her to go right back to being friends like they are now.

Three hours later, I spot Liesel waiting for Enzo to walk her to lunch.

I can’t take it anymore.

“If you’re just looking for someone to break that sweet hymen of yours, look no further,” I say as I approach her with a laugh.

Liesel folds her arms and stares at me like I’m a demon she wishes she cou

ld send to hell.

“Why would I want to fuck a puppet like you when I can have sex with the king?”

I laugh harder. “Enzo? Really? You think he wants to fuck you?”

“Yes. He does.”

I shake my head as I put one hand on the wall behind her, leaning close but not too close.

“Enzo’s like me. He’s a fuck ‘em and leave ‘em type. I don’t think your pretty little heart can take it.”

I tug on her blonde curls—I can’t resist.

She bats my hand away.

Tags: Ella Miles Lies Dark