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I pull my body back, ripping myself from him even though what I really want to do is snuggle deeper into his shoulder, grip his cock, and then climb on top of him and fuck him awake.

Instead, I do the right thing, which is to act like he’s a hot stovetop I can’t touch.

“Did we? We didn’t fuck again, did we?” I ask in horror. If I fucked this man again, and have no memory of it, I’m going to kill my brain for having such shitty memory. It’s not fair that my body gets to experience such pleasure, and I can’t relive the moments over and over again. I remember every embarrassing comment I’ve made, but I don’t remember Sebastian King fucking me.

He stretches his arms over his head, and his cock rests back against his hard stomach. “No, we didn’t have sex.”

I let out a long breath.

“But we can change that.” He winks at me.

The memories start coming back. The voicemail that ruined our perfect day. Sebastian being kind and holding me while I fell asleep. He kept my demons away last night. He was so sweet. He was the kind of guy women could fall for.

Thank god he’s back to his playful, joking, sex-focused self this morning.

“Are you ready to beg?”

“Are you?”

I smile. We don’t have to talk about what happened last night. I just need a few more days without thinking about the voicemail—about him. I need this. I need to be carefree and fun Millie again. I haven’t been her in years. Sebastian lets me be her. He wants me to be her.

I pull on the hem of my shirt. Last night it seemed like a good idea to sleep in just this T-shirt. Now, in the bright daylight, I feel vulnerable. I feel naked, even though Sebastian is the one who is naked. I’m covered, but all my old insecurities come flying back.

“Don’t,” he says.

I narrow my eyes as I bring my knees up to my chest.

“Don’t think you’re less than. I don’t know who made you feel that way but don’t let them win. You are incredible, Millie. My cock thinks so, and so do I.”

I stare down at his dick—hard, long, and thick.

“It’s just because it’s morning. That happens to all guys in the morning.”

“No, it’s because it’s you.”

He rolls over and grabs my hands pulling them away from my legs so he can look at me. “I’m not the man who can give you the happily ever after that you deserve, but I am the man who can remind you of how beautiful and incredible you are. If I could choose any other woman to be fake married to, I wouldn’t. You’re the only person I would want to be fake married to.”

I shake my head.

“And before you go thinking that was just a line I tell women to get into my bed, know that you’re truly the only woman I’ve ever been fake married to.”

I laugh. “I’m still not fucking you.”

“I didn’t say that so that you would fuck me. I said it because it’s true. I’ve never met a woman like you, Millie. Don’t let anyone stifle you.”

My stomach growls. “I think it’s time for breakfast.”

“More like lunch.”

“What?” I frown, looking over at the clock on the nightstand. “Oh my god! It’s twelve-thirty. I haven’t slept in this long since college.”

I look at Sebastian. “Me neither.”

We stare at each other. Both of us know that we should leave this bed before we do something stupid. Although, maybe it isn’t stupid? We have chemistry. We’re adults. In six months, we are going to be nothing but a bad memory. Maybe we should fuck and get each other out of our systems.

“Can I plan today?” Sebastian says suddenly.

“I thought I got to

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance