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I haven’t taken a sip, and yet, I still feel drunk.

The bartender walks back to me. There are only three other people in the bar. It’s a slow night.

“Want to try the other whiskey? Or I can mix some fruity shit in it if that’s what you need to get it down.”

I glare up at the rude man. “I’m good.”

He chuckles and then walks away.

I go back to staring at my glass, feeling the effects without drinking. I’m drunk not on the liquor, but on Millie. I’m drunk on the pain, the misery.

I realize there is no going back to my life before. Not after I’ve realized what I’m missing. Even if Millie faked everything, for me, it was real. And I want it. I just can’t have it with Millie.

She’s a liar.

A fraud.

A mistake.

A mistake that’s going to take half my money. Not that I give a damn really. I don’t need my wealth. I don’t need any of it.

Millie was married three times.

She’s a gold digger.

She remembered that night.

I wish I could remember. I wish I could understand what really happened. If I could rewind and remember, maybe I wouldn’t be sitting here like a chump who just got his heart ripped out.

I can’t shoot the whiskey. I can’t drink. I won’t do drugs. But I can find a woman to drown my misery in, not that I’ll find one in this bar. It’s probably why I chose it, so I wouldn’t be tempted to do something that stupid.

“King?” A man says from behind me.

I turn, not in the mood to talk to anyone tonight. And when I see him, I’m really not in the mood.

“I wouldn’t come any closer, not unless you want to get your ass beat again.”

Trevor doesn’t hesitate. He takes a seat at the bar next to me.

“I don’t want to cause a fight. I’m here to apologize. I shouldn’t have laid a finger on Millie.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” I grip the drink tighter, wishing I could drink it and not lose myself. “What do you want?”

He studies me a moment. “I’m here to talk about Millie.”

“You want her, you can have her. We’re through.”

There’s a pause and then a soft chuckle. “So she told you.”

“Yea, she told me she’s a fucking gold digger who has been married three times before me.”

“Wait…you think Millie is a gold digger?”

“Yes. I met Noah. She took half his money. And that’s the only reason she’s married to me.”

Trevor hangs his head low, and he shakes it. “Oh man, I’m going to regret this. I’m really enjoying watching you hang out your misery, but you don’t have a damn clue what you’re talking about.”


Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance