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He shrugs.

I frown. Why is he asking me about the money? And why does he seem so pissed about it? I open my mouth to tell him what I did with the money, but then I stop.

“It’s none of your business what I did with the money.” I climb off of him. He tries to keep me on him, but I jerk my arm free and stand next to my bed pissed. Butt naked, but pissed.

“Yes, it is my business. It’s my money. You are my wife. I need to know if you did anything illegal or if you are going to need more. Because if you already spent everything, I don’t know how you expect to buy things like dresses to the parties you are supposed to be attending with me.”

I glare at him. I’ve never been so angry with him before. If he’s doing this to keep up his end of the deal of being an ass, then he’s doing a good job. Seconds ago, I could have loved him for making me feel wanted. Now there is nothing but hate.

“I didn’t do anything illegal. And don’t worry about the dresses. I’ll make sure I wear something worthy of being your wife, and you won’t have to pay me another dime.”

“Tell me what you did with the money.”

“No. It’s none of your business. Our contract never had any stipulations about me telling you what I did with the money or that I had to spend it a certain way.” I grab a new pair of shorts and bra and put them on. “Now, I’m going to lift. Enjoy the rest of your day, you bastard.”

“Damn, I need to spend more time in the gym. Or at least I need to watch my back, because I'm pretty sure my wife could beat me up,” Kade says, standing in the doorway of the basement gym as I push the bar with way too much weight on it over my head.

I should have taken today easy. I haven’t lifted in weeks, and my wrist is still fragile. But Kade pissed me off. So I taped up my wrist and went full out. I’ll regret it later.

“What do you want?” I ask, racking the bar and sitting up to wipe the sweat from my forehead, not even bothering to look at Kade. I’m too tired to give him my full glare.

I hear him walk toward me, but I keep my eyes focused on the floor like the black spongy material that makes up the floor is interesting.

“You don’t even have any music playing or the TV on,” Kade says, stopping next to me.

I turn to him and snarl. “I couldn’t figure out how to work your ridiculous sound system, and I don’t watch much TV. I don’t need entertainment to workout.”

He grins, displaying his damn dimples. He’s changed. He’s wearing dark jeans and a black T-shirt that fits him too well. My insides curl, and my heart speeds up. How the hell does he melt my anger for him with just a grin? I really am in trouble.

I lower my eyebrows and frown. He doesn’t get to know what he’s doing to me.

I lean back down and lift the bar off the rack. I’ve already finished my reps, but I need a distraction from the sex god that is standing over me looking at me like he can control all my emotions.

My arms wobble a little as I lower the bar to my chest.

“I need your help,” Kade says, putting his hands in his pocket.

My eyes cut to him as I push the bar up. He looks so sincere. Innocent, even. His eyes are big, and he bites his lip, like he can’t believe he even admitted that to me.

I lower the bar again to my chest, and this time, I can barely push the bar up. Kade grabs it as my arms wobble, and he helps me rack the bar.

I pant heavily, but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m tired or want Kade to climb on top of me and fuck me on this bench.

“I need you to bartend with me tonight at King's,” Kade says.

I smirk. “No.”

He sighs rubbing his neck. “I figured you would say that.”

“Then you are learning. Why would I want to help you out?”

“Because you are my wife, and I’m paying you to help me.”

I snarl. I hate Kade. I don’t know how I go from liking to hating so quickly.

“Well, that has me convinced.” I roll my eyes.


Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance