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I stop suddenly.

She growls.

“Which will it be?”

“Make me come, you asshole.”

I smile. I win this round.

I find the sweet spot again as I thrust hard until we both come.

I pull out and tuck myself back in. I just fucked a woman without a condom. A first for her and me. It felt fantastic.

She slowly climbs off the table and lowers her wedding dress to glower at me.

I cock my head to the side. “I’ll show you to your bedroom. The movers finished moving you in while we were at our wedding.”

I walk down the hallway to the door right next to mine. It isn’t the second largest room in my house, but I wanted her close to me, even though I still plan on getting her in my bed as often as I can.

Her eyes widen when she sees the room, like I just showed her into a room fit for a queen. I guess I did compared to the place she used to occupy.

“You like it?” I ask.

She nods.

“Or you could always stay in my room tonight. I’d be happy to fuck again or snuggle if that’s what you prefer.”

She ignores me and runs her hands over the silk fabric of the white bedspread I bought for her. I let her keep her old bed because it is a decent bed, but the shaggy bedspread had to go.

“What happens tomorrow?” she asks.

I smile. “Tomorrow, I plan on staying home and fucking my wife as many times as she will let me.”

Her eyes grow heavy with lust. She will let me fuck her plenty.

“And then, we can go shopping for a couple of dresses for events you’ll be attending the rest of the month.”

She frowns. “I don’t need you to pay for nice dresses for me.”

I sigh. Pick my battles and don’t fight. “Fine. I don’t have to be at work again until Tuesday. Have you found a job yet?”

She narrows her eyes. “I already have a job.”

“At the yoga studio?”

She nods.

I frown. “Have you applied for any jobs, now that you graduated with a business degree? I have some openings at my company. You could come work for me. Just get me a resume, and let me know what area you are interested in working in.”

“No, I have a job. I’m not going to work for you.”

I study her. Something doesn’t add up.

“One million dollars doesn’t go as far as you think. Especially if you spend it all on dresses for events with me, instead of letting me pay for them.”

She glares at me. “Don’t worry; I make enough money.”

“I just thought you would want to get a job in a big corporation now that you’ve graduated.”

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance