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Sebastian swerves.

I slow and pass him, as his car tumbles into the ditch on the side of the road. Flipping once and landing upside down.

I scream, my voice high pitched as I witness the accident.

I pull my car off the road in front of his wrecked car slamming on the brakes, and jump out, preparing myself for the worst. I sprint to the upside down driver’s door.

I grab the door handle to open the door, but it won’t move. The window is open, but luckily it was too cold to put the top down, or this could be a lot worse.

I reach inside, undoing his seat belt.

“You okay, Sebastian?” I ask.

He coughs and smiles. “That was fucking insane!”

I exhale a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. He’s fine, just drunk. I pull him out of the car and inspect him for a second. He has a small cut above his eyebrow, but he seems fine. I’ll call an ambulance after I check on Naomi so a doctor can check him out, and he’s booked for drunk driving, again.

But he’ll be fine, because as much as I want to kill him for being so stupid, he’s still my brother. The only person who loves me. I won’t let him rot in jail, or ruin his life for fucking up again. I will find a way to put an end to this. Even if it means taking away every one of his fucking cars.

When I ensure Sebastian is okay, I race over to the passenger side and pull the door open. Naomi has undone her seatbelt and falls into my arms smiling.

“That was wild!” she shouts, equally drunk and happy. I inspect her quickly, and she doesn’t appear to have a scratch on her either. Which is good, because her family would definitely sue if she’s injured. They will probably sue anyway, unless Sebastian agrees to marry her, or some shit like that.

I sigh, pulling my phone out to report the accident to the police, and call for an ambulance for the two crazy idiots that are now laughing, holding each other like they got out of the theater after watching a hilarious movie, instead of being lucky for surviving a car accident.

“911, what’s your emergency?”

I exhale again, trying to remain calm. This isn’t the time for lectures. That will come tomorrow, when Sebastian’s no longer drunk.

“I need to report an accident on Highway 101, just past exit seventy-one.”

“How many cars are involved?”


“Can you tell if anyone was injured?”

“Both of the passengers in the car appear fine, besides a few minor cuts.”

“The police and ambulance are on their way and should be there in…”

A moan grabs my attention, and I turn back around, ignoring the woman on the phone. I stare at Sebastian and Naomi who are both still cracking each other up. They didn’t make those groans.

“Sir. What is your name sir? Any other information you can give me?” The woman keeps asking me questions, but I ignore her, pulling the phone from my ear as I move to the front of the car.

Moaning. It sounds like a woman’s moan, and it sounds terrible.

I don’t see anything, initially. I look under the front of the car and see nothing.

The moan grows louder. It hits my soul and sends me into a panic. There is someone out here.

My eyes scan the darkness, searching. I finally spot the white T-shirt reflecting the light from the Jags’ headlights.

I run faster than I thought possible to her, bending down to a woman lying in the dirt on the side of the road. She’s wearing nothing but a white T-shirt and underwear. Her toned legs stretch for miles. I would know her body anywhere.


I search around for her bike or the car she was thrown from, but I find neither. She walked home. This is my fault. I should have made sure she got into a car, not walk on the side of a highway in the dark.

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance