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Women here aren’t like women in LA. Women in LA know I’m only good for one fuck, and then they need to move on to the next millionaire or billionaire. Here though, they become attached. They want more. Women here are bred to search for a man with a name they can pass to their children and continue the legacy. And I happen to have a very powerful name in this town.

“Not going to fucking happen, Harlow. We had our one time, I don’t go back for a second round,” my voice sounds harsh, but I have to be cruel. She won’t get the message if I’m not.

I untangle myself from her tentacles, as I try to disappear into the crowd. I should have stayed hidden in the shadows. I could watch the show without being noticed. But my brother had to go and be a dumbass and I have to save him, and the poor girl he almost ruined, like always.

Harlow yells after me, but I keep moving, only stopping to grab a beer from one of the waiters. I need it if I’m going to survive the rest of the night. I’d rather have another whiskey, but I need to stay sober to keep Sebastian out of trouble. I need some alcohol to keep myself from going off on Harlow, though.

Fuck this night.

I shouldn’t have come back here, even if it was necessary.

I think I’ve finally evaded Harlow when a new warm body presses up against mine.

I don’t recognize the woman, but she reeks of alcohol and vomit. Not an endearing combination.

I grab her shoulders to move her out of my way. She stumbles as I move her, and I hold her shoulder longer than I want.

“Kade King, I can’t believe you’re here. I’ve had such a big crush on you.”

“You should drink some water,” I say, flagging down a waiter and grabbing a glass of water to hand the woman.

She grins.

Shit, I know that grin. This is what I get for being nice and trying to help a woman.

“I want to have your babies Kade King!” she says, screaming.

My lips pull back tightly. I’m never coming to one of Sebastian’s ridiculous parties again. In fact, this might be the last time I visit this town.

“Drink the water,” I say, glancing around for her date or a friend to pass her off to. A man is standing behind her, eyeing her. I don’t know if he’s her date or not, but she’s his problem now. I give him a, ‘take care of her, don’t fuck her,’ glare and push her into his arms.

He looks happy, yet terrified. I roll my eyes and storm away. Welcome to my world.

Why do women think I want a baby? I already have one dealing with Sebastian.

I finish my loop around after thoroughly losing Harlow. I stand in the corner of the living room where Sebastian does another shot off Naomi, this time from between her boobs.

I nurse my beer, trying to blend into the corner as I keep an eye on my brother. He’s done fucking everything up for me. This is the last major party of the year before graduation. He needs to make it through tonight without doing any damage.

“We need to talk,” Harlow says, her body standing firmly in front of me, her hands crossed over her chest, and her face is fierce, in a don’t mess with me sort of way.

I sigh as I glance at my brother grabbing Naomi’s hand and leading her toward the garage.


He tries to drive drunk every fucking time.

Not going to happen tonight.

“We can talk later,” I say, brushing past her rigid body.

“I’m pregnant,” she says.


I stop dead in my tracks. I spin on my heels staring down at Harlow’s belly. She’s wearing her usual skin-tight dress that hugs her body like a second layer of skin. Her stomach is flat. Not even a hint of a bump.

I close my eyes trying to focus on when the last time I had sex with her was. I know it’s been months, but when was it exactly… I rush through my flings over the last couple of months, and then I remember. It was the end of Sebastian’s Christmas break. Early January. I came back after the previous party got out of hand and he was arrested for drunk driving. I was pissed and needed to let off some steam. Harlow was who I let off steam on.

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance