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“I was going to do a quick round in the cage with Joey, then I’m good to go. Is that okay?”

Fighting didn’t bother Quinn anymore. These were good men who used their skills to help people, not hurt them. She was finally able to see the beauty in their movem

ents as they hit the bags or circled each other in the cage. Quinn threw her arms around Rick’s neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss.

“I’ll wait as long as you promise to shower with me at home.”

The sexy smirk she got in return made everything worth it. Every day she endured with Travis, every new women’s shelter she had to stay in, everything she did in order to survive each day— it all led her here, to this perfect man. A man who made her happier than she could ever remember being.

“I think I can agree to those terms,” he growled in her ear.

A voice from across the gym called out, interrupting their moment. “Ricochet! Come on man. Are we doing this?”

Rick ducked his head and kissed her again, whispering against her lips. “Oh yeah, we’re definitely doing this.” His lust-filled eyes bore into hers before he released her, jogging back to his student.

“Yes, yes we are doing this,” Quinn said to herself. She sat and watched proudly as her man stepped up into the octagon, gorgeous and agile and completely sure of himself. As Rick bounced around the cage, taunting the younger fighter and the other guys crowded around to shout out encouragements, Quinn knew what home felt like. It was love and friendship and security— even if it smelled like old socks and sweaty men, it was the most comforting place she’d known and she was glad for every single minute she spent there. Quinn closed her eyes, silently wishing her father could be with her.

Thank you daddy, for guiding me here and giving me a second chance at having a real family.

Then Quinn stood up, walked over to the cage, and cheered on her man.

And… I’m Done!

Whew! Ricochet was a tough book to write. I’m glad I did it and I love my characters, but it was difficult to stay on track. On the positive side I found out a few things about myself….

I DO NOT like writing 3rd person. I need to feel as if I AM the character to get the most of their emotions.

I am able to write Military and/or MMA. It’s outside my usual comfort zone of celebrity romance, and I liked the challenge.

As much as I loathe cliffhangers, I have to admit, I really, really enjoyed putting them in each section of the book. That probably makes me evil, but, there it is.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance