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She gasped when he recovered and focused his piercing aqua-colored eyes on her. Gently, he pushed her back until she was flat against the tiles. “Wha—”

Quinn didn’t get a chance to finish her question. Rick dropped to his knees, parted her thighs with his large hands, and thrust his tongue between her legs.

“Holy—oh my god.” She threw her head back and moaned.

Pleasure radiated from every nerve in her body. When her muscles tensed up, Quinn felt a distant twinge of pain, but the ecstasy overrode everything else.

“Fuck you taste so good.” Rick growled and continued with his wicked tongue-lashing.

Her hands found the top of his head, holding on tight for support or else she’d fall to the floor. The hot water rained on them, streams running down their skin. Quinn tried to keep her eyes open, but couldn’t, it was too much.

A shudder rippled over her, her entire body stiffening. Rick must have felt it because he murmured against her hot flesh. “Come for me, doll.”

The ache in her still-healing body multiplied as the orgasm tore through her, causing Quinn to make a strangled sound at the pain/pleasure sensation.

“Fuck! You’re hurting, aren

’t you?” Rick immediately stood up, clutching her still trembling figure to his chest. “Damn it. I knew it was too soon. I shouldn’t have—”

“Shhhhh.” Quinn didn’t want to hear Rick’s apologies. “I’m fine, Rick. Really. Just a little sore, that’s all. I feel fantastic, in fact. Better than I have in a while.”

She felt the pressure from his fingers increase on her back and knew he was stifling the urge to vocalize how upset he was.

Good, because he’ll kill my post-orgasm buzz if he starts giving himself or me a guilt trip.

Rick reached over to turn off the water. Quietly, he handed Quinn a towel, wrapping it around her shoulders. He silently grabbed his own and stepped out of the enclosure, storming off to the bedroom to dress.

Great. My buzz has officially been killed.

Hurrying, Quinn threw on a pair of panties and a tank top before following Rick into the bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of her bed wearing only a pair of briefs, elbows on his knees with his head hanging down.

As long as he’s already overemotional, Quinn figured she could finally have a discussion she’d been putting off, afraid of his reaction. She curled up behind him on the bed, laying her cheek on his strong, broad back. Her hand roved over the corded muscles, lower and lower until she found what she was looking for. Quinn circled her fingertip over the puckered pink scar on Rick’s lower back.

“Why don’t you tell me how this really happened?”

Rick’s head snapped up, twisting around to make eye contact. “I told you.”

“Yeah, fell on a free weight. I know.” Her hand drifted around to the front of Rick’s body, finding the same scar on his abdomen. “My dad was in the Marines, remember?”

She felt his muscles twitch. “Yes. I remember.”

“I know what this is, Rick.” Quinn slid off the bed and sat straddling his lap, face to face. Her palms caressed over his chest and she looked into his eyes. “My dad had several just like it. Desert Storm. I guess they don’t always ricochet, huh?” Her laugh was as weak as her joke.

Quinn watched as Rick screwed his eyes shut, as if he were in pain at the thought of her knowing the truth. “I’m sorry I lied to you.” He sighed, resigned to the fact that his lie fell apart.

“You don’t have to be sorry. I’m just… it scares me that someone shot you, Rick. Why?” Even my superhero isn’t invincible.

“I can’t tell you. Not without talking to Mack first.”

“Mack? Mack didn’t shoot you…” Horror crept over her skin. “Did he?”

“What? No! Mack didn’t shoot me.” Rick laughed, but it sounded slightly off, probably from the stress of everything that had happened in the last few months.

“Oh.” Now Quinn felt stupid for suggesting it. Of course Mack didn’t shoot Rick. “I have so many questions, Rick.”

He wrapped his arms around her back, hugging her closely, but gently to his body. She never felt as safe as she did in Rick’s arms. Her fears melted into the background until she could almost feel normal.

Normal. What’s that?

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance