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Mara’s hand slammed down on the table, rattling the glasses and causing Quinn to startle. “Don’t talk like that! Abusers are very skilled at hiding their true colors, Quinn. My dad was like that, strung my mother along for twenty fucking years before she finally left. He could be very charming when he had to be. Shit, most people in our town would never have believed he was the asshole we knew behind closed doors.”

Quinn sniffed quietly, trying to hold in the strong emotions and empathy she felt coursing through her. “Thank you, Mara.” She gulped down her drink, letting the liquid courage loosen her enough to ask a question, even though she wasn’t so sure she wanted the answer. “So, while I was gone… Rick, did he?” She paused, fingering her glass, “Did he go out at all? You know, with women?”

Mara’s eyes saddened for her friend, and that was all the confirmation Quinn needed. Tears built up behind her eyes as she stared at the table, burning almost as much as the hot pain that stabbed directly into her heart. “I—I should have assumed. I mean… I deserve it. It’s not like we were dating or anything.”

She felt the warmth of her friend’s hand on top of hers, and with a sob, a single tear escaped, rolling down her cheek. Quinn wiped at it angrily with the back of her free hand.

Mara squeezed her hand, letting her gather herself together

. “I only know that he went out with Dane, not what happened. If you feel anything for him Quinn, you need to do something about it. Don’t let your ex taint your future. He already took so much from you. Trust me, I know what that does to a person. Whether it’s with or without Rick, just do what makes you happy… for yourself. You left that asshole husband of yours, now take your life back.”

Quinn managed a shaky smile, but still felt as if she let something potentially great slip through her fingers and she wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to get it back.

Quinn went to work Monday with a new attitude. She was going to put all of her baggage behind her— Travis, her dad, her fears, and start over as a new person. First order of business, repair her friendship with Rick. She smiled as she entered the break room at Sanctum, grabbing a cup of coffee before heading for her desk.

“Hey Xander!” Quinn waved to the beautiful Latino man as he went into the conference room.

“Quinn,” he nodded without making eye contact and went through the door without another word or a smile.

Quinn frowned at his icy reception, an uneasy feeling churning in her empty stomach. Usually Xander was very friendly and talkative, so his strange behavior rang in her head like an alarm bell.

Quinn peered into the conference room before the door clicked shut, getting a glimpse of every single one of Mack’s trainers seated around the table with haggard, sleep-deprived expressions on their normally tough exteriors. She didn’t get a good look, but Quinn was almost positive she didn’t see Rick in there. Something about the moment sent a shiver down her spine.

Shrugging off the strange sense of dread, she went to the lobby to boot up her computer and start her day.

By the five o’clock, Quinn still hadn’t caught sight of Rick, and the other employees of Sanctum had a decidedly pissy attitude. Quinn actually leapt out of Dane’s way when she saw him storming down the hall with a downright hostile look on his face.

Dejected and tired, Quinn climbed the stairs to her apartment, drained from an entire day spent worrying about what she would say to Rick when she saw him. It never occurred to Quinn that there was a possibility that she wouldn’t see him at work. The anxiety she felt from having an emotional confrontation hanging over her head was a thousand times worse than just getting it over with.

Rick didn’t show up on Tuesday, or Wednesday, or even Thursday. By Friday, Quinn was practically crawling out of her skin from a deep-seated anxiety. She spent most of the day at her desk, absently shredding post-it notes into micro-sized pieces while staring at the door.


Quinn scrambled, her arms flailing as she nearly fell out of her chair.

“God, Mack.” She grabbed her chest, hoping to calm her racing heart. “You scared me to death.”

“Sorry kid. You can go home, we’re closing up early today.”

Quinn studied Mack’s face. The man looked older, the age lines crossing his scarred skin seemed deeper somehow.

“Mack? Is everything okay? I’ve noticed that it’s been quiet here this week and… and everyone is kind of off.” She wasn’t brave enough to ask specifically about Rick.

He caught her with his sharp gaze, his dark eyes shining with concern. “Everything’s fine, Quinn. Go on home. I’ll see you Monday.” Mack gave her an unconvincing smile before heading back into the gym.

This week has been so strange.

Quinn quietly packed up her things and vowed to speak to Rick on Monday.

Monday came and went and still no sign of Rick. When Tuesday afternoon rolled around, Quinn had stressed herself out to the point of near-crippling nausea. Knowing she screwed up everything with Rick— that she bailed on him without an explanation— occupied her every waking thought. Not being able to clear the air with him had eaten away at Quinn until she had literally made herself sick.

By the end of the day, Quinn could hardly sit still. The anxiety was taking over her entire body, leaving her fidgeting and twitching in her chair. Drained from sitting around freaking out for ten days straight, she decided it was time to take action.

If he won’t come to me…

Quinn typed quickly, hacking into the employee files on her computer after only fifteen minutes. It should have been easier, but Quinn was surprised at the level of security on Sanctum’s computer system. One quick click later, a single piece of paper shot out of the printer. She snatched it up, thrust it into her purse, and hurried out to the parking lot.

Quinn started up Mack’s old pickup, the loud rattling of the engine a welcome distraction to the rattling in her brain. She carefully turned the big tank of a truck out onto the main road before she lost her nerve and crawled into bed for the entire weekend. Mack said she could borrow his truck until she bought her own car, something Quinn didn’t want to do until her name change went through. Travis could easily find her through DMV records.

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance