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The big man’s dark eyes flashed a look of annoyance, then surprise.

“Yeah man. She asked me for a ride to Mack’s. About an hour, hour and a half ago.”

“And you did it?” Rick yelled, his hands white-knuckling the chain links of the cage.

“What the fuck? Of course I did. It was just a fucking ride.” Xavier and the other man were staring at Rick like he lost his mind.

Maybe I am losing my mind.

“Fuck.” Rick spun on his heel and ran out of the training room, back through the lobby towards his car.

He pulled out his phone as he pushed the fob to unlock the doors, impatiently waiting for Mack to answer.


“Mack! Thank fuck! Is Quinn there with you?” Rick’s heart was beating frantically, threatening to burst out of his chest. He suddenly understood why he had never looked for love before. It might feel incredible when everything was roses and sunshine, but when it wasn’t, it fucking hurt like a punch to the nuts.


“But Xavier said—”

“She was here. She left. Asked if she could borrow my truck to get some personal issues taken care of. Said she’d return it another time.”

Rick stopped next to his car, leaning his elbows on the roof and fisting his hair with his free hand. “Jesus, tell me you didn’t.” The gnawing in Rick’s gut turned into a rock, sitting heavy in his stomach.

“What did you do to her, Rick?”

Rick swallowed back the bile that threatened to rise, keeping it down just long enough to explain. “Nothing! I didn’t do anything! I don’t… I don’t know what’s going on.” It felt as if he was going to burst out of his own skin. Anxiety bloomed deep inside Rick’s chest, forcing his heart to beat faster, making his breath catch in his lungs.

Mack sighed, and the sound sent Rick’s emotions into a tailspin. “I didn’t realize she hadn’t spoken to you.”

Rick hesitated, not sure if he wanted to ask. He swallowed loudly, closed his eyes, and whispered, “About what?”

“Son, I hate to be the one to tell you this. Quinn left, and I don’t know if she’s coming back.”

***End Part One***

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Ricochet Romance