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“A few. Mother, a painter. Both parents disowned by their parents, who were textile tycoons in New England. Why?”

“My father, because of his politics; my mother, because she married my father. The only family member who spoke to them was my great-aunt. She bought this house and hired my father to do a lot of the interior. It kept them from starving to death, early in their marriage. What else did you learn about me?”

“Went to New York University, then the law school. Joined the NYPD afterwards, served fourteen years, including eleven as a detective. Retired for medical reasons, ostensibly. A bullet in the knee, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, but there were other, more political reasons. The department was never very comfortable with me.”

“You must tell me about it when we have more time,” she said.

“Don’t we have time now?”

“Not really. Where is your bedroom?”

He led her up a flight. “Right here.”

She began unbuttoning her suit coat. “I think we’d better get to bed,” she said. “I have an early meeting tomorrow morning.”

Stone stood, stunned, his mouth open.

She reached over and closed it, then kissed him lightly. “You mustn’t believe everything you hear about proper British girls,” she said, working on his buttons.

“I must remember that,” he said, helping her.

Stone woke with the gray light of dawn coming through the windows overlooking the garden. He could hear the shower running. He got up, found a robe, brushed his hair, and was about to go and find her when she came out of the bathroom, wearing his terrycloth robe, her face shiny with no makeup.

“Good morning,” she said. “You were very good last night.”

“Why, thank you,” he said.

“It’s interesting how you talk during sex,” she said. “Englishmen never do that.”


“No, they always seem in such a hurry. You, on the other hand, took your time, and I liked that.”

“You are a very big surprise, Felicity.”

“Oh, I hope so,” she replied. “If I hadn’t been, my carefully composed professional mien would have been compromised.”

He put his arms around her. “I assure you, it was not. As I said, you were a very big surprise.”

She picked up her watch from his dresser top. “I think we may have time to do it again,” she said. “Are you up for that?”

“I’m getting there,” Stone said.


Stone stood at the door, his arms around Carpenter. “Can’t I get you a cab?”

“It’s only in the next block,” she said.

“What is?”

“The, ah, home of my friends.”

“What is it, a town house? An apartment building?”

“It’s very comfortable,” she said, “though I like it here better.”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery