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“What’re you, some kind of Kraut?” Elaine asked.

Sarah bustled in, followed closely by Andy Anderson, who took up his position at the bar.

Dino grabbed a waiter. “See the tall guy at the bar by the window? Tell the bartender to give him one scotch, no refills.” The waiter went off to do Dino’s bidding.

Stone and Dino stood up to welcome Sarah; she rewarded Dino with a kiss on the cheek. “Elaine,” Stone said, “you remember Sarah Buckminster, don’t you?”

“Sure; long time,” Elaine said. She turned to Dino. “I heard about last night,” she said.

“How the hell did you hear about that?” Dino demanded. “It hasn’t been in the papers.”

“I got my sources,” Elaine replied.

“Yeah, you probably know more about the case than I do.”

“I probably do.”

“Maybe you can tell me where to find the perp?”

Elaine leaned over, and whispered conspiratorially, “Try Central Park.”

“I had a visit from one Tom Deacon today,” Stone said.

“What the fuck did he want?” Dino asked.

“He’s apparently taking over your case.”

“He should live so long,” Dino snorted.

“He questioned me at some length, while his partner took notes, then he accused me of murdering Susan Bean.”

“Who’s Susan Bean?” Sarah asked.

“A dead person,” Elaine explained.

“Why did you murder her?” Sarah asked Stone.

“Oh, just for the hell of it,” Stone said. “I murder two or three women a month, if I’m not too busy.”

Sarah turned to Elaine. “You think I should move out?”

“I didn’t know you’d moved in,” Elaine rep

lied. “It’s nice that Stone can get laid again.”

Sarah burst out laughing. “Has it been a while?”

“Oh, yeah,” Elaine said. “I can’t tell you what a pain in the ass he’s been.”

“I have not,” Stone protested.

“He’s kinda got that glow again, you know?” Elaine said to Dino.

“Yeah,” Dino replied, “he’s all pink in the cheeks again.”

“I’d like to think I’m the only person here who’s seen his cheeks,” Sarah said, “and they’re really quite a lovely shade of pink.”

“So are yours,” Stone said, clinking her glass with his.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery