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“Nope. Who’s coming to dinner, besides me?”

“Bill and Susan Eggers, whom you know, of course.”

“Bill since law school; Susan only from a few law firm parties.”

“Dick and Glynnis Hickock.”

“He owns your paper?”

“Right, and don’t kowtow to him, whatever you do, or he’ll consider you his inferior forever.”

“I’ll try not to be impressed. Anyone else?”

“Vance Calder and some girl or other.”

“Now I’m impressed.”

“Be sure and let him know it, or he’ll be hurt.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever had dinner with a real live movie star.”

“Superstar, darling; if you forget, he’ll remind you.”

“And his girl?”

“One never knows with Vance. She might be a princess or a whore – more likely both.” She sipped her drink. “I’ve not asked you, Stone; is there a woman in your life?”

“There was until yesterday.”

Amanda smiled. “How convenient. I hope you’re not too crushed.”

“I’m managing.”

“Something I should mention before the others arrive: don’t be the last to leave, all right?”

“Whatever you say.”

“It’s not that I wouldn’t want you to stay, it’s just that I don’t want to start any rumors.”

“As you wish.”

“As a reward for giving up a late evening with me, how would you like to drive out to the country tomorrow?”

“Sounds lovely.”

“It will be. The autumn leaves are at their peak, and the weather forecast for tomorrow is perfection.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

“Will you meet me downstairs at nine sharp? We’ll take my car; it’s new, and I can’t get enough of it. Do you drive?”

“I do, but I’ve always thought of a car as a liability in this city.”

“It is, unless you have a convenient garage and a driver.”

The doorbell rang, and Amanda looked at her watch. “That will be Dick Hickock,” she said. “He always comes to dinner exactly on time, damn him.”

A moment later, the maid ushered in the Hickocks and introductions were made. A man appeared to mix drinks while the maid went to answer the door again.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery