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“Do you think Martha could be bought?”

“Absolutely not. Anyway, she’s extremely well paid. She earns on a par with a secretary to a top corporation head.”

“Who else besides Martha knew?”

“No one.”

“How did you travel to the hotel?”

“Oh, well, Paul, my driver, took me.”

“So Paul knew where you were going?”

“Not exactly. I mean, he knew the address, but I don’t think he could have known the significance.”

“Did he know you were supposed to be in Saint Bart’s?”

“Well, yes; he had been told that, in case anyone asked.”

“So he knew you didn’t go to the airport, that you were doing something unusual.”

“Yes, I suppose, but he never asked any questions. Paul never does.”

“Last name?”


“How long with you?”

“Nine years.”



“So that’s two people who knew something. How about at the hotel? Whom did you see there?”

“No one; the desk clerk had turned his back when I ran for the elevator.”

“No maid, no anyone?”

“A maid did bring some sheets and towels a couple of times, and, of course, there were room service waiters, but I was always in the bathroom when they arrived.”

“They knew that Mr. Bell was with someone, though.”

“I suppose they did; the meals were for two, after all, but they would have no reason to know it was me.”

“Did you carry a handbag there?”

“Yes, a small clutch.”

“Where did you place it in the suite?”

“I… dropped it on the floor when I entered the first time.”

“Did it remain there?”

“No, when I left, it had been put on a table, by the maid, I suppose.”

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery