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“Yes, I am. I promised to show you the loft, but I don’t want you to trip on your skirt when you climb the ladder.”

“How considerate of you. Suppose I did. Do you know any first-aid techniques?”

“Apply pressure to slow the flow of blood from a wound.”

“That’s a good one.” She unfastened the hooks at her waist, stepped out of her skirt and laid it over the back of her chair. She slipped off her gold ballet flats. “There probably isn’t much room to undress up there, is there?”

“Not really.” He unbuttoned his shirt.

She pulled off her top. Her lingerie was bright red. She crossed to the ladder and started up. “Is there a trick to this?”

“I should go first and pull you over the top.”

“Too late.” She climbed to the top of the ladder, a little more than seven feet from the floor, and gazed into the loft. There was room for a big bed and a closet at the end. She could have used something to hold on to but got over the end of the ladder not too ungracefully and stepped into the loft. The studio had such a high ceiling, she could walk around the bed without bumping her head. “This is like a tree house.”

He followed her wearing only his black briefs. “I should put tree houses in all my little cities. How could I have forgotten them?”

Wanting to think only of him, she lay back on the bed. “Make a note of it later.”

He crawled over the side of the bed to catch her. “You’ll remind me if I forget?”

She giggled against his chest. “I may have no memory of the night.”

“Is that a challenge?”

She answered with a deep, luscious kiss to block all thought save those of him. His sleek body fit so well against hers. She slid her hand over his chest, tugged at the hair hiding his nipples and then found them with her tongue. He uttered a welcoming moan, and encouraged, she licked the leathery buds. He smelled like soap, but something exotic with a sandalwood base. She eased over him to nibble an earlobe.

“You smell awfully good. You always have, but tonight, your scent is something darker, more mysterious.”

“I’m not giving away my secrets.” He pulled her down into his arms. “I’m going to find a huge oak tree where I can build a tree house and make love to you there all night.”

“Not in a public park, please.”

He smothered his deep laugh in her soft curls. “No, somewhere deep in a forest where no one will hear us laugh and wonder what we’re doing cradled in the branches.”

She wound her hair in a coil to sweep it out of his way. “Mallorca has La Serra de Tramuntana.”

“It does, but a tree house on the coast might be chilly at night.”

She slid her hand down his flat belly. “I don’t suppose we could light a fire to keep warm.”

“Definitely not.” He pulled her close. “I’ll find somewhere not so far away. For now, we can imagine whatever we choose.”

Nuzzling against him, she nearly purred, “I don’t need to imagine anything better than being here with you.” She licked his shoulder. “Now I wish we’d bought the frosting. I’d put just a tiny bit here.” She touched the base of his throat. “A dab here. All the spots you wouldn’t expect and make you delicious all over.”

“We could probably make frosting. What does it take? Sugar, butter, what else?”

She ran her fingertips up his inner thigh to make him shiver. “It must need some flavoring. Do you have a bottle of vanilla?”

“No, but I’ll buy a gallon tomorrow. Could we use a liqueur?”

She kissed the inside of his elbow, and he wove his fingers in her hair. “Probably, but I’m not in the mood to cook. Are you?”

“You are enough,” he whispered.

The lights he’d left on down below veiled the loft in pale shadows, but his sexy grin still showed, and his silvery eyes glowed with a teasing light. He was enough, more than enough for her. She unfastened her bra and tossed it away before crawling over him. She loved kissing him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and rolled over to hold her. He nuzzled her throat, and she rubbed against him.

He covered her breasts with kisses and sucked gently at her nipples. Feeling adored, she pressed close and combed her fingers through his hair. Making love was a game that never grew old, and she welcomed his every lick and caress. She held her bre

Tags: Phoebe Conn Bullfighter's Daughter Erotic