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“I know disappointment.” He kissed her throat and unbuttoned the top button on her shirt and then the second. She had on lacy ecru lingerie, and he sat back as he unbuttoned the last buttons and eased her out of the shirt. “You have the most beautiful underwear.”

“And not a single pair of black boxers,” she teased. “I think we should go back to the futon before you fall over backwards and dump us both on the floor. I don’t want to see you hurt any worse than you already are.”

“Good plan.” He eased her off his lap and stood. “Maybe if I went very slowly, we could go up on the loft.”

She kicked off her flats. “Why don’t you save your energy? We can climb up there the next time I’m here.”

“You so sure I’ll invite you back?” He pulled his shirt off over his head.

She peeled off her jeans and rolled them up to set aside. “You better, or I’ll leave the kittens on your doorstep.”

“You’re threatening me with kittens?” He caught her hand and spun her around so he could unfasten her bra. He slid off her thong and stared at her heart-shaped pubic curls.

“Do you change the shape with the seasons?”

She unbuttoned his shorts. “I rather like the heart, but I suppose I could turn it into a little house just for you.”

He laughed so hard he nearly tripped taking off his shorts. “I’ve never inspired that level of devotion in anyone.”

“Don’t gloat. You haven’t inspired it yet.”

“I’ll regard it as a challenge,” he growled against her throat as he eased her down on the futon. “You have the most beautiful skin.” He kissed the inside of her elbows and sucked lightly at her breasts. Clean-shaven, he rubbed his cheek against her delicate nipples without leaving a scratch. He licked her belly button to make her giggle and then slid his fingers into her. He stretched out to kiss her inner thighs. “You smell so good. Do you put perfume behind your knees?”

“It works, doesn’t it?” She slid her fingers through his hair.

“Everything works with you.” He twisted two fingers inside her and licked her slit, teasing her open with the tip of his tongue. “Am I doing all right?”

Ana opened her eyes and smiled. “You’re doing beautifully, but you can’t stop until I tell you to.”

“Is that one of your rules?” He stroked her with his thumb.

“One of them. You’ve created the most delicious ache.” She placed her hand over his. “I like your mouth better.”

He drew in a deep breath, and licked her until she writhed beneath him and thanked him with a soft sigh. He pulled on the condom he’d had ready and thrust into her slowly. “You’ve such a glorious heat, like bubbling honey.”

Raising her arms above her head, she thanked him through a breathy sigh. He taunted her with deep thrusts and carried her into another shuddering release. When he buried his face in her hair, she wrapped him in her arms and held him tight as though she’d never let him go.

Chapter Five

Alejandro got up during the night and found a blanket to cover them, but Ana slept too deeply to stir. They remained in a blissful tangle until dawn, and she awoke still smiling. She eased herself out of his arms, dressed and, as promised, wrote her address and phone number on her placemat. Before leaving his studio, she took several photos of him hugging the twisted blanket as tightly as he’d held her. She left quietly and drove herself home. Fatima arrived soon after she’d left the shower.

“How was your date?” the housekeeper asked.

Ana’s smile said it all. “We had a wonderful time. Thank you for suggesting I take him a sandwich. He was probably expecting some elegant French dish neither of us could pronounce, so something he recognized was a big plus.”

“Men are simple creatures,” Fatima advised. “Throw them a piece of red meat, and they’ll be happy for hours.”

“I’ll remember that. I need to call Cazares and see if he’s found Lamoreaux before he sends another pair of shoes.”

“I could use some new shoes,” Fatima remarked. “Maybe you could mention my size if you meet him.”

“It never hurts to ask for samples.” She called the detective from her room, and Javier Cazares supplied an update. “Lamoreaux divides his time between Barcelona and Paris. He’ll be here next week, and I suggest you have your agent call him to make an appointment.”

Ana took careful notes. “I’ve got it. Send me your bill.”

“I will, and Miss Santillan, I have some other and perhaps disturbing news.”

She shoved her still damp hair out of her eyes. “I’m afraid to ask what it is.”

Tags: Phoebe Conn Bullfighter's Daughter Erotic