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She lay against him, soft and warm, her mane of thick brown hair trailing over his arm. She should have better than him, a failing baron who was the hated second son.

He stroked down the curve of her spine as she sighed in her sleep. And a sad smile touched his lips. Was she worried about some random woman coming into this house? Ridiculous.

Granted, it hadn’t seemed that way a week ago, but something had shifted in him. She was all he ever wanted. Her beauty all he’d ever see. Abigail fed not just his body but his soul. Filled him with the sort of love and warmth he’d never dreamed would be his.

With that in mind, he slipped out from under her, leaving her in the bed. Part of him wanted to stay. He could lie next to her for hours, but he had two important errands to run.

The first was to check on Vanity.

Earlier, the man looked as though he’d gone temporarily insane. And when Abigail woke, she’d want to know what had happened.

But the other…

He was going to take Vanity’s advice. And the first step was purchasing a ring.

He didn’t have much in the way of coin, but he had enough, and he’d spend what was left on her.

He’d find a way to earn more.

After dressing, he crept from the room and slipped into his office, penning her a quick note to tell her that he’d be right back. He folded it and slipped it under the door of her bedroom, their bedroom as he hadn’t used his own since he’d arrived.

Then he headed out the door and down to the village.

He knew Vanity must have done something because a crowd of rather disgruntled-sounding men stood just outside the church, but there was no sign of his friend or his carriage in the village.

So he walked on to the local jeweler, stepping into the dimly lit shop.

There were several interesting designs, but he stopped in front of a case, an emerald winking up at him. Set in gold, it had several diamonds encrusted around the large stone, a delicate band completing the piece.

It was perfect.

He had no idea what color she’d like but something about the sparkling green gemstone spoke to him. Just like her, it was warm, and fresh, and whispered of a new beginning.

The jeweler stepped out and gave Chad a smile. “My lord, good to see you again.”

“And you, Mr. Stone.”

“I’ve heard the news. You’ve married. Congratulations.”

Some of the tension in Chad eased. “Thank you. It’s what brings me here today. I’d like a gift for my wife.”

Twenty minutes later, he’d haggled the jeweler down to a fair price and left with a delicate box tucked safely into his pocket.

He searched about the village but found no sign of Vanity, and then he started for home, taking the narrow dirt road.

Excitement filled him as he made his way down the rutted drive. He liked being at his estate with her. He’d have to return to London for the club…the business was the only thing that had kept him from debtor’s prison. A few more years and he’d be profitable again. He could leave the gaming hell and live here full time with Abigail…

He stopped. She’d likely want to be in London with her sisters. Her family. His family.

His chest ached again. For the first time in a long time he had…hope. A vision for the future and the feeling of being cared for.

No one could get in the way of that.

He’d never let them.

Chapter Fifteen

Abigail woke to find herself alone. She sat up in confusion, the other side of the bed cold as though Chad had been gone for some time.

Tags: Tammy Andresen Lords of Scandal Historical