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As the morning gave way to afternoon, Gemma looked up and wiped her brow. They’d hardly made a dent in the field where they worked. No wonder Will was so worried. It was a massive job.

He straightened too, stretching his back. “I ken yer thinkin’ it. We’ll never get this done.”

She looked over at him. She should tell the truth. There were moments in a relationship, however, where it sincerely seemed best to lie. This was one of them. “We’ll get it done.”

He grinned, stretching his back once again. “Do ye hear that?”

She pivoted and saw a rider come over the crest of the hill. Then another. They were joined by several wagons, horses, and men. “Is that yer brother?” she asked.

“Aye, it is.” He rubbed his forehead with his dirty hand. “How’d he get here so fast? I didn’t send Barkley until this morning.”

Gemma shrugged but she stepped closer to him and linked her arm through his. “He must have known ye’d need help.” Then she leaned her head on his shoulder. “It’s so good to have family.”

As Blair approached, Gemma and Will walked over to meet them. Will was glad to see Blair and happy for the help, but he’d have to take his lumps.

“Hello, brother,” Blair called. “I ran into yer rider near Tore.”

“What were you doing in Tore?” Will called back, reaching out his hand to shake Blair’s.

“Coming tae help ye, of course. I didn’t honestly think ye’d ask. Yer a stubborn arse that way.”

“Did ye come here to help or insult me?” Will fired back. Then he turned to Gemma. “If ye were wondering why I never ask fer help, this is yer answer. Older brothers only give it with a load of insults while they remind ye they don’t ever need help.”

Blair swung down from his horse. “What are ye talkin’ about? Elle and I wouldn’t be married if it wasn’t fer ye and I wouldn’t have my business going if it wasn’t fer Stone. We all need help sometimes.”

Will stopped. That was true he supposed. “I’d forgotten that Stone had sent men to help.”

Blair brought one shoulder up and down. “Money too. I’m only telling you because if it comes to that, you ask.” Then he stepped closer. “And don’t forget where you learned to farm in the first place. Stone needed you. When our parents died, Stone was drowning with the duties of the earldom and we each took over a section as he learned. We all need help. That’s what a family is for.”

Will swallowed a lump in his throat. “I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

“We’re not going to let you sink, Will. Sinclairs help. Especially one another.”

Will couldn’t speak as gratitude rose in chest. Instead, he hugged his brother with one arm. “Thanks, Blair. I wanted to prove I could do it on my own, but I suppose none of us ever do.”

“I certainly can’t.” Gemma gave him a glowing smile. “I tried. This was is much better.”

That is was. “Let’s go get Ewan and Fiona and have a bite to eat.” He wanted his family with him now. They were more important than anything else.

* * *

Gemma walked toward Mary’s farm feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. They’d get the crop in the ground. She was sure of it. And, if Will asked her to marry him again, she’d say yes. This was where she belonged.

Knocking on M

ary’s door, she stepped inside and saw Ewan playing on the floor happily babbling with the other boys. “Where is Fiona?” she asked looking around the common room. “Did she lay down?”

“Fiona?” Mary asked. “Isn’t she with you?”

Dread trickled down her spine as she wiped her brow. “Didn’t she come here this morning?”

Mary shook her head. “I haven’t seen her since she asked to help.”

Spinning around, Gemma dashed back outside. “Will,” she yelled. Everyone turned to look at her. “Will! Fiona, she isn’t in the house!”

“What?” he looked at her, his brow scrunching together.

She lifted her skirts to run faster. “She never came back to the house. She could be anywhere.”

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical