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“Me either,” Will said. “She’s a hardworking woman. Strong and fierce, but her heart is hurting.”

“Elle’s was too. So was Eliza’s.” Blair’s voice was quiet as leaned closer to Will.

Will thought about his other sister-in-law, Eliza, Stone’s wife. He’d been a teenager when they’d married, having just lost their parents, and he’d forgotten many of the details of the couple’s courtship. “Eliza and Stone seem like pillars of strength that hold up our family,” he said. “I can’t picture Eliza being anything other than capable.”

Blair slapped his shoulder. “Give your Gemma some time and see if she doesn’t heal. We Sinclair men bring out the best in our ladies.” Blair gave him a wink. “Now what do ye plan to do with the children?”

“Keep them,” Will answered without hesitation. “Though I wonder at the wisdom of it. What if I—”

“Good fer ye.” Blair hit him again, harder. “That is what a good Sinclair does.”

He hid his grimace. A good Sinclair? He wasn’t sure that was true. Not when he’d blackmailed Gemma into working for him as his nanny. Still…he wanted to prove himself. “I’m trying.”

“Ye’re doing well, brother.” Blair stood. “What do ye say we go see if the cakes are frosted?”

Will joined him. Heading to the kitchen was a fine idea. “If ye insist. I remember Elle’s cooking. The cakes are sure to be delicious.” He also wanted to check on Gemma. Elle was a sweet woman but this was all new to Gemma and he didn’t want to overwhelm her with his family.

“Are ye sure ye can only stay the night?” Blair asked. “It isn’t much time to get to know one another.”

He gave a snort. Blair had practically read his thoughts. “We’ll see ye soon. But I’ve got to get back and finish harvesting the fall barley crop. It has to be in before the first frost. If it isn’t, I’ll go the whole winter without a penny of profit.” He ignored the rumbling deep in his gut.

“Fair enough.” Blair gave him a sideways glance. “Ye’ll tell me if ye need help, won’t ye?”

He looked over at Blair. The man was building a house, a business, and getting ready to bring a child into the world. “Yer hands are full already. Ye don’t need to be burdened with my problems.”

They reached the bottom of the stairs and Blair stopped for a moment. “Ye’re not burdening me. Don’t forget that.” Then he started walking again.

Will took a deep breath. Blair’s words provided a great deal of comfort. If he failed, he had people to fall back on. He’d keep that in mind.

As they entered the kitchen, his mood lightened even more. Fiona giggled as she frosted a cake, frosting hanging off her nose. Gemma laughed as she held Ewan and Elle held in her giggles, her lips pressed together as she tried to help Fiona with the cake.

The tension that always seemed to hold his shoulders taut eased. He could do this. He could take on a family knowing that his family was behind him, supporting him. But if he failed? He didn’t dare allow the thought to settle in because failure wasn’t an option.

* * *

Gemma lay back on her bed, sighing in contentment. It had been a most pleasant day. The food had been excellent, the company outstanding, the children happy. A soft knock at her door made her spring out of bed.

Her heart thumped in her chest. She didn’t need to ask who stood on the opposite side of the door. She knew it was Will, she could sense him, and she couldn’t wait to hold him close. She opened the door, and he slipped inside and behind him it closed with a soft click.

Then her arms were about him, her body pressed close. “I’m so glad you came.”

He held her tight. “I am too.”

Their lips met and Gemma practically sighed into his. “I think you’re a fine man, Will Sinclair.”

He slowly kissed her and then he pulled back. “I’m not sure if that is good or not.”

“It’s the best,” she answered. “At least for me. I’ve never met one like you.”

“Does that mean you plan to stay with me for a while?” he asked as he picked her up and began carrying her to the bed.

She kissed a trail to the shell of his ear. “For as long as you’ll have me.”

He stopped and lay her down on the bed. “I’d keep ye forever if ye’d stay. But ye have to know that I’m not sure how successful I’ll be.”

She sucked in her breath. Had he really just said forever? “Will.” Her voice came out sharp. She hadn’t intended that and she winced at the sound.

“What?” he asked, pulling away so that his face was a hovering above hers. His jaw was clenched even as his hands gently held her sides.

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical