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“Don’t wait,” she murmured. “Let me give you everything.” Then she kissed him. It was more than a man could stand and as he slid back out and then into her silky warmth his body tensed for release.

She kissed him over and over as he moved inside her and before he could stop, he let out a yell, his body clenching and then ripping apart only to come back together. As he collapsed on top of her, he tried to catch his breath. Never had a woman made him feel like that. It was the most perfect moment.

Until memories of the hour before started to creep in. The way she’d cried. How sad she looked about marrying him. What was a man to do with that?

But he shook the thoughts away. He’d prove to her that he was all the man she’d ever need.

Chapter Fourteen

Elle woke the next morning feeling sore, yet delightfully relaxed.

Last night had been…she sighed thinking back on it. It had been breathtaking. Now Blair slept next to her, one of his arms cradling her body to his. Were all men so tender and yet so strong? She doubted it. Though no man had ever touched her the way he had, she knew that not many had the heart Blair possessed.

His eyes slowly opened and he squeezed her tighter as he gave her a gentle smile. “Good morning.” He used his other arm to pull her on top of his body.

“Good morning, my lord.” She gave him a saucy smile before she bent down to place a kiss behind his ear.

He cupped her backside as he groaned. “My lord?” He slipped inside her even as he spoke.

She let out a sigh of satisfaction and longing. “Oh, aye,” she murmured close to his ear as she ruffled his hair. She hadn’t known this position was even possible but she found she liked it. Sitting up, she moved above him as his hands explored her body. “What shall we do today, my husband?”

He made a noise of satisfaction, deep and low. “I love to hear you say that.”

She stopped moving, surprise rippling through her. He liked it? That was…encouraging. She started to tell him so but he urged her hips into motion again. The words died as a moan escaped instead. “That…feels…so…” her eyes fluttered closed.

He made a noise somewhere between a moan and a laugh. “It does indeed.”

She let her hands wander down his chest, her neck arching back. “I’m glad tae ken there is something I can give you.”

“Elle,” he rasped. His voice was harsh but he was thrusting inside her and it was difficult to know if it was annoyance or pleasure that caused it to be so. “That’s ridiculous. You give me—” He stopped as she rolled her hips, his hands gripping tighter.

She almost asked what she gave him but she was afraid of the answer. What if this wa

s all?

They didn’t say any more as their passion climbed and their bodies moved as one.

As their lovemaking brought them to their ultimate release, Elle collapsed on Blair’s chest. She stroked his skin under her fingers, wondering if this might be the best place in all the world. She couldn’t think of one better.

“I’m sorry to cut our time short but I’ll have to head into the village today and start hiring workers. Are ye still willing to help me?”

Help him? “Of course.” She lifted her head to stare into his eyes. “I’ll do whatever you need.”

He stroked her hair back from her face. “Thank ye, lass.”

She gave a tight nod. She hoped some of the men agreed. Not only did it help their plan to take McKenzie’s influence away but it made her a worthwhile partner in this marriage. From that she was sure his love would grow.

Blair sat on his horse with Elle in front of him, making a statement as he rode into the village. Elle was his and McKenzie didn’t frighten him.

Not that he married her for that reason alone. Though, it was a delightful little bonus.

As was the bed sport. His eyes closed for a moment. The woman was made directly from the hand of God. She could only be an angel.

Will hadn’t forced him to do anything, though. He wished that part had been different. The reason that he’d married Elle was simple. He loved her.

And there was a connection there. He was certain he could be the man she needed. Over time she’d grow to love him too.

They began through the village, many people out and about, on their way to the butcher or the baker.

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical