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Bringing his hands about her waist, he slid up her back. “I’ll need ye to help me hire men from the village. They don’t ken me, but they do ye. Ye’ll ken who to ask and who I can trust.”

“I can do that.” Elle looked out over the water. “What if no one will work fer ye?”

“We’ll get workers from the next village or the next. He’ll lose his influence far more quickly if we can hire people from this area, but either way, I’ll make enough money that he can’t hurt us.” Blair squeezed her tighter.

Elle nibbled her lip. “I h

ope so,” she said, then leaned her head into the crook of his arm.

She’d never done it before and it pulled at something deep within him: that need to protect her. Gathering her close, he kissed the top of her head.

“How is yer foot?” He needed to change the subject because he could not fall in love this time. The situation was already bad enough.

“Much better, thank ye. Almost done healing.” She lifted up her chin to look at him then. “Will we return to the cottage?”

He shook his head. “No, we’ll stay on the boats. We’re safer here.”

She nodded. “I never thought I’d live on a boat.”

“It’ll feel more like a home then ye think.” Blair hoped she didn’t regret her decision to accept his help. He had upended her life. Much as he hadn’t intended to help and he’d taken a risk by offering it, Elle had even more to lose than he did. Her wounds were far worse. “Why don’t we have dinner together tonight?”

“I’d like that.” She nodded.

Blair stepped away. He’d figure out where they stood after McKenzie had been dealt with.

Elle wondered if this dinner was wise.

She considered cancelling. He stirred feelings in her that were best left alone. Even if she was to help him, she should keep her distance. It was safer. But the truth was, without Ailean, she was a little lost. And, in Blair’s company, a great many of her worries disappeared.

Elle made her way down the hall to his cabin. Reaching the door, she lifted her hand to knock, set it down again, and then finally raised it, to give two good knocks on the door. The sound echoed through the hall, she’d hit the door too firmly.

Blair opened it, and quirked his brow. “I thought you were the captain.”

“Why, are you expecting him as well?” her shoulders sagged as her breath rushed out. Relieved, yet disappointed at the same time. She wanted to be with Blair but it would be better if someone else was in their company.

“No,” he said as he pulled her into the room. “But your knock was so firm, that I thought for sure it was him.”

Elle’s cheeks heated. “Oh,” she whispered. The scent of savory lamb with a hint of cloves wafted into her nostrils. Not knowing what else to say, she took a deep breath. “Smells wonderful.”

Helping her into a chair, he began lifting the lids. “Not bad. Though not as good as when someone else I know cooks.”

They ate in a companionable silence. The food was delicious. Here and now, her troubles seemed far away and with a full stomach, Elle nearly forgot why she hadn’t wanted to attend.

Sitting back in her chair, she looked across the table at his dark eyes. “Do ye think ye’ll marry someday?” The question had slipped out before she’d thought it through.

One of his eyebrows quirked up. “Of course. You?”

“I don’t know. At this point, I don’t have much to offer a husband.” She shook her head. It was absolute truth.

“Elle, how can ye say that? Ye’re kind, smart, strong, and beautiful.” He stood then and walked around the table, reaching for her hand. “Any man would be lucky to call ye wife.”

It was kind of him to say and perhaps he was right. Maybe she could make a match with a blacksmith or baker. She’d work hard to help him and provide a family. But a man like Blair…“I appreciate yer kindness, Blair. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t met—” But she couldn’t finish. His lips came down and captured hers.

She was lost in the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. No thoughts. Not anymore. Not when the feel of him sent heat curling in her belly. Warm and delicious, the kiss was filled with excitement and a contentment that she hadn’t known she could still feel.

The last kiss had been a light press and this one started much the same but as his lips moved against hers, the touch deepened and lengthened until he parted her lips with his and his tongue swept into her mouth.

Ripples of pleasure moved through her at the touch and her core pulsed with need. He’d been holding her close against him but one of his hands traced the curve of her hip, trailing up to her waist and then sliding along her rib cage until he cupped her breast, his thumb brushing along her nipple.

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical