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Elle looked out the tiny porthole window in her room and wondered what she had just done. The only reason she could reconcile taking Blair’s help at all was because she was treating it like a transaction. A trade like many she had made. She often cooked for families in exchange for goods or service. Blair was putting himself at risk, he’d spent much-needed time and funds helping her. She’d repay him while securing a future for her brother.

And though some women considered their bodies an exchangeable commodity, she never would again. While marriage was a socially acceptable form of the trade, it had left her completely vulnerable and without choices.

She would cook and clean for Blair. Ailean could do manual labor. But she could not mix sexual attraction or attention into the exchange. It would only leave her worse off than she’d started. What if she were to become pregnant? She could barely feed herself and Ailean. Besides, a baby deserved a loving family with a present father.

Blair was a good man and he wouldn’t mistreat her the way Malcolm had, but he was still the laird. He wasn’t going to marry the poor girl from the village. And she wouldn’t put herself into the position of needing his perpetual aid.

She lay on the bed and covered her eyes with her arm. She couldn’t help but remember how his muscular body had felt against her own and how his lips, pressed against hers, had filled her with heat and want.

After what felt like hours, she fell into an uneasy sleep and woke when the boat made a jerking movement.

By the calls of the sailors, Elle knew they had docked.

Rising, she tried to make herself look presentable as she washed her face and attempted to fix her hair. She wasn’t sure why but she was nervous about meeting Blair’s family. Likely because they’d think of her what she thought of herself…she was a leach on him.

She managed to get herself up on deck. Ailean stood next to Blair at the rail and she slowly crossed to join them. As she reached the bow of the boat, she could see several people lined up on the cliffs just above them. It was almost eerie. “And they say the Highlands are unforgiving,” she murmured.

Blair gave her a small grin. “Can’t deny that. The cliffs have collapsed and the ground above has hidden holes. They’re treacherous to be certain. But our ancestral home is up there and the land around us is prosperous beyond anything ye can imagine.”

Elle scanned the group above. “This is the brother ye said might employ me if I wanted a job after my debt is paid?” She smoothed her hand down her dress wanting to make a good impression. After the events of this morning, she may very well need a fresh start.

“It is,” Blair answered. There was an icy edge to his voice that she didn’t understand.

But the people above began to walk toward them and Blair gestured for her and Ailean to come with him. He tucked her hand in his elbow and they made their way to the plank. She’d only a moment to wonder if she could walk it with her ankle when Blair swung her up into his arms.

He effortlessly climbed down the ramp and then made his way down the dock, not setting her down until they’d reached the shore. By then, the group from above was nearly at the docks.

“Stone,” Blair hailed, raising one of his hands in the air. The other he wrapped about Elle’s waist. Her cheeks flushed with heat.

“Brother,” a large man in the middle of the group called. “It’s about time you came home for a visit.”

Blair led her forward and then let go of her to give his brother a hug. She stood with her hands clasped, eyes pointing toward the ground. She didn’t belong next to Blair as he greeted his family.

“Visit yer ugly arse?” Blair rumbled back. “I only came to see yer lovely wife.”

Stone laughed heartily and then looked at Elle. She looked up at him to see his smile was gone. He straightened even as his brow furrowed. “Who is yer friend?”

Blair put his arm back around her. “This is Elle and that,” he pointed at Ailean, “is her brother, Ailean.”

“How do ye do?” Stone said his voice devoid of any emotion.

She dipped into the best curtsey she could with her ankle and then took a breath. “Elspith McIntyre, my lord. I’m very good, thank ye.”

“I’m Eliza,” a petite blonde called from next to Stone. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You as well.” Elle gave her a friendly smile and Eliza returned it. Elle sighed with relief.

Eliza stepped forward and reached out her hand. Elle took it, so grateful for the gesture. “What brings you with Blair?”

Elle gave a start. How could she not have formulated an answer to that question?

Blair answered before she could. “It’s a long story. Let’s head inside before we tell it.”

Elle’s shoulders slumped, glad for the momentary reprieve. She wasn’t used to talking about Malcolm or her situation. As Blair hugged several more people, he began introducing some of his other brothers. “This is William.” She greeted each in turn. “The twins are off at school.” Then he pointed to a girl who looked to be about seven. “And this is my sister, Delia.”

The child was angelic and as Delia gave her a small wave she couldn’t help but be entranced. “She might be the most beautiful child I’ve ever seen.”

“Don’t let her fool ye,” Stone grunted but his lips curled in a little smile. “She uses that angelic face to make all sorts of mischief.”

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical