Page 66 of Rough & Ready

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Carter and I chuckled, then turned back to one another.

“Welcome to the remainder of this road trip,” I said so low that just the two of us could hear.

He smiled. “It’s gonna be awesome.”

Carter leaned in and kissed me, and the rest of the world faded out.



WE STOPPED IN the next town over and spoke to the sheriff about what had happened with Meghan. They took our statements and a nurse looked at Phoebe. Fortunately, she was okay and had only a few bruises and bumps. As we were getting ready to leave, we were told that Meghan had found, still unconscious and had been arrested. She’d confessed immediately and was being held pending multiple charges.

After leaving the sheriff’s office, we decided that as the house and garage were both crime scenes for the next couple of days that it was best for Phoebe and Jo-Beth to continue their journey to San Diego. I was not prepared to let Phoebe go just yet, so I offered to arrange to drop the car off for Jo-Beth’s cousin after they left if he would drive Henry and I back to Rough and Ready.

With that matter settled, we’d driven for about an hour south, Phoebe’s hand clutched in mine, before Henry starting whining, kicking at the back of the driver’s seat and generally making noise.

“Daaadd,” he moaned.

“What’s wrong, bud?” Phoebe asked, crouching down so she could be at his eye level.

“Sleepy?” I asked him.

He nodded.

I turned to Phoebe and whispered, “He doesn’t like to say he’s sleepy when he’s sleepy.”

She smiled. “Good to know.”

My heart was fit to burst. These were the types of things she wanted to know now. She wasn’t just being nice to a kid because it was the polite thing to do, but because she wanted to be — dare I say it — a part of his life. A part of my life. This day had narrowly avoided being the worst of my life, and then had managed to go a step further and become arguably the best day.

After all, I’d told Phoebe I’d loved her, and she’d said it back. Meghan was still a problem, sure, but with Phoebe at my side and a new life somewhere in front of us, I knew I could weather it. I’d move to a safer neighborhood. I’d fall deeper in love. Everything would be all right.

Phoebe had wanted me to stop running and to open up. Well, now I’d done it, and sure enough, it’d all changed for the better. I’d be annoyed at her for being right if I wasn’t so damn happy.

She leaned forward to the driver’s seat and said to Jo-Beth, “I think Henry needs some rest.”

“Don’t we all?” Jo-Beth replied. “Where should we stop?”

Phoebe looked to me and shrugged. “I dunno. Carter?”

I thought about it for a moment. We didn’t have enough money for a motel, not given how much we’d need to pay in gas, and we’d probably need to pick up some new stuff tomorrow, considering the girls had less clothes than when they woke up in Rough and Ready while Henry and I had left everything behind for the moment.

“Somewhere free,” I said at last.

“Well, we won’t all fit in the car,” Jo-Beth pointed out, wisely enough.

Phoebe’s eyes brightened. “How about a campground?”

“Uuuhh…” Jo-Beth sounded skeptical.

I was too. “Phoebe, are you sure you’re well enough for that?”

She gripped my hand tightly. “I’m feeling amazing.”

And her strength was surging from her fingertips into my palm, and I knew she was telling the truth.

“And,” she added, “I just saw a sign for a campground about five miles up.”

True enough, in five miles, there was an off-ramp that dropped you off in just about the middle of the woods. Jo-Beth took the exit, and before long, we were in some kind of national forest. Or at least, a very large park.

We came to a stop, and unfolded ourselves from the car. Though I preferred traditional camping, I was momentarily grateful for the gentrification of the outdoors — the campsite had a sundry goods shop as well as some rental stations.

First, we all went to the bathroom, then picked up some supplies from the shop — toothbrushes, deodorant, et cetera.

We just started to devour some snacks when Jo-Beth asked, “So, how should we split up the sleeping arrangements for the night?”

Phoebe’s cheeks burned red and she looked away from Jo-Beth’s amused gaze.

“How about,” Jo-Beth continued, clearly having formed the plan long ago, “Henry and I sleep in the car, and Phoebe, you and Carter can split a tent.”

I panicked for a second. “Are you sure you can watch after Henry?”

“For one night? Obviously.” She tousled his hair. “He’s a good kid. And anyways, I figure you two could use some, ahem, alone time.”

She grinned wickedly and raised an eyebrow.

Tags: Lulu Pratt Romance