Page 38 of Rough & Ready

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But I wanted to feel more of her, to go on a greater journey. I slipped two fingers inside her opening, my mouth never ceasing its relentless pursuit of complete fulfillment.

I’d hunkered down on the floor, expecting to be there for at least ten minutes, ready and willing to do the work. However, as I looked up, gazing at Phoebe’s shut eyelids, I realized she wasn’t going to last ten minutes. Hell, I’d be surprised if she lasted ten seconds.

“Are you close?” I murmured around her clit, my voice sending extra vibration.

By way of reply, she opened her mouth even wider and let loose a loud, primal cry. A rush of fluid filled my mouth as her body moved up and down, the muscles seizing and shaking. She was orgasming, and it was magnificent to watch — pure, unadulterated happiness.

“That was incredibly hot,” I observed after several long moments passed and Phoebe had begun to come down from the high.

She wiped a hand across her forehead, chest still heaving from the effort. We hesitated in silence as Phoebe recovered from the earth-moving shake of her completion.

At last, she leveled her eyes with mine. They were flashing atop the flushed red of her cheeks.

“Your turn,” she announced before pulling me up from the ground and onto the seat next to her.

I looked around the cab of the truck. “There’s not much room in here.”

She winked. “Where’s your imagination?” She pulled a condom out of her purse and threw it on my lap.

In a sudden burst of movement, she flung open the door, completely naked, and ran around to the back of the truck. I twisted in my seat, prepared to shout her name, when I saw that she was climbing into the truck’s flatbed, laying down and making herself at home.

What’s a man to do? I couldn’t leave her out there, alone and naked. That would be criminal. Ungentlemanly. With a delighted smirk, I stripped off my jeans, pushed open the door and strode outside to join her.

“Come on!” she cried. “We’re not finished.”

She’d clambered over the sides of the bed, but I was a gentleman. I unlatched the tailgate and the back popped open, slamming down to reveal Phoebe sprawled out, ready and willing. I tore open the package and slowly unrolled the condom on my cock. Phoebe watched me hungrily.

“Holy shit. Your cock is huge.” She sat up on her elbows as if to get a better look at me.

“It has the benefit of being absolutely erect, thanks to you.”

She rolled her eyes and grinned. “Don’t be modest, cowboy. Now get your ass in here.”

I did as I was told. Who wouldn’t? Lifting myself into the back of the truck, I crawled on all fours to Phoebe, who stretched out on the warm metal, arching her spine like a nymph.

“Fuck me,” she begged.

In one clean move, I lunged the rest of the distance between us, plunging my cock deep inside Phoebe, causing us both to scream, our voices echoing in the canyon.

“Fuck,” I uttered between clenched teeth. “You are… this is…”


I thrust my hips forward, and we groaned again in unison. “Yeah, it’s perfect.”

“How do you want me?” she asked coyly.

“However I can have you.”

“You can have me any which way. Pick. Show me what you want.”

Okay, she wanted to play hard? Then we could play.

I held her back, lifted her into the air, and set her down on her stomach. She knew what I wanted. She could feel it, the same way I could feel her desires.

“Ride me, cowboy,” she urged, moving onto her hands and knees.

Had I died and gone to heaven? I mean, what other explanation covered these circumstances?

Though I wanted to sit down and puzzle how exactly my life had taken such a fortuitous and erotic turn, I knew that Phoebe’s wiggling ass couldn’t wait. I’d have to ponder the universe later. Right now, there was a woman to fuck.

I rose to my knees and grasped Phoebe’s hips, moving her back onto my cock. Oh, that felt good.

She began to move back and forth, pleasuring herself on my cock. So I began to thrust inside her, setting a rhythm and intensity. Phoebe shrieked, wanting more. Okay, I can do that. One hand on her waist, I used the other to grip her hair and pull her head back, forcing her back into a perfect hollow arch.

I rode her into the sunset, which is to say, I lost all track of time. Could’ve been minutes, could’ve been hours — I have no idea. Time was obliterated by the throes of passion.

And then, suddenly, I felt an orgasm rising within me.

“Phoebe, I’m gonna come.”

Her hips bore down on my cock, taking me even deeper within her.

That did it. I exploded inside Phoebe all at once, releasing my seed, my body quivering as I doubled over her.

Tags: Lulu Pratt Romance