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Two days?

My lashes flutter open and my hand is taken up as Mum appears a foot away from my face. ‘Cait!’


I don’t sound like me. My voice is raw, scratchy.

‘Oh, darling, it’s so good to see you!’

I see her eyes well up but it’s impossible to focus with her so close.

‘Back up a little, love.’ My dad places a hand on her shoulder as he leans into view. ‘You’re sending her boss-eyed.’


‘Hey, kiddo, it’s good to see you awake.’

I try to smile but inside I feel like my heart is breaking all over again. My vision blurs as tears well and my mum is back up close again, her hand softly squeezing mine.

‘It’s okay, love.’

It’s not okay. But how can I tell them that? ‘What happened?’

‘You were hit by a car...’ Mum’s voice breaks. ‘Do you remember?’

I nod and close my eyes then press my head back into the pillow and try to ease the discomfort that seems to throb through my entirety.

‘You were lucky, love,’ Dad says. ‘Not that you’ll feel like it right now, but the doctor says you’ll make a full recovery. That’s the important thing.’

I want to ask what I’ve done, what injuries I’ve sustained, but it makes my stomach swim. I look around the room. It’s a private room—chairs, table, TV. Chairs? I frown as I spy the leather jacket slung over one. Mum and Dad don’t own—

‘They’re having a coffee machine crisis, so I opted for a pot of tea.’


‘Cait?’ His eyes widen and his body freezes, a tray with a teapot and mugs outstretched before him. How is it possible he can look like hell and still I find him so gorgeous that my heart’s fluttering wildly in my chest? ‘You’re awake.’

‘Good timing, son.’ Dad walks over to him and takes the tray from his unmoving form. ‘Come on, Marlene, let’s leave these two lovebirds to it.’

‘Back soon, love.’

Mum kisses my forehead but I can’t respond. My eyes are glued to Jackson. Is he real? Am I still dreaming? Have the drugs done this to me—made me hallucinate? I know I must be on plenty, that the woozy feeling in my gut isn’t all down to him.

Mum closes the door and it’s just us. He steps towards me and my eyes widen. He’s definitely real. So very real and still so very tortured.

And I’m still so in love with him it hurts more than any bruise to my body.

‘I’m sorry. I can go. Now that I know you’re okay, now you’re awake...’ His voice is hoarse, his grey eyes bloodshot. When did he last sleep? ‘I can leave if that’s what you want.’ His voice cracks and his eyes water. ‘I just had to know you were okay. And to tell you that I came after you. When you left, I came after you to tell you...’

‘To tell me what?’

‘To tell you I was a fool, to beg your forgiveness, to tell you that I love you, Cait. God help me, I love you and I’ve been an idiot, and I’m so—’


I try to push myself up in the bed and wince as the pain grips me. He rushes to my side.

‘Don’t move.’

Tags: Rachael Stewart Romance